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MorePro V100S Health Tracker with Blood Pressure Heart Rate Monitor

MorePro V100S Health Tracker with Blood Pressure Heart Rate Monitor

Venjulegt verð $79.90 USD
Venjulegt verð Söluverð $79.90 USD
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MorePro health fitness tracker is designed to help you manage your health.

Adopting more advanced sensor technology, the fitness tracker can 24/7 automatically &continuously detect your H-R, B-P and body temperature and also accurately detect any skin color person. All-day H-R monitoring helps you make the most of each exercise activity, check the H-R zone. You can check the detailed health data in the morePro App to help you understand your health status and make adjustments to your healthy lifestyle.

Easy to get your health data:

1. Scan the QR code in the user manual or download the “morePro” App from “App store” or “GooglePlay”.

2. Turn on Bluetooth and GPS/location on your cellphone.

3. Go to the App-Settings-Device-Find V100S to connect it.

4. After connect successfully, go to Switch Setting-Turn on all automatic detection.

MorePro fitness tracker is always with you all the time to start your health journey.

MorePro fitness tracker helps you live a healthy and balanced life.


Built-in 6 different sports modes on the fitness tracker for your choice(Run/Ride/Walk Outdoor, Run indoor, HIIT and Plank sport modes). GPS tracking, Morepro is the ideal sports companion-with pace and distance exercise monitoring on a supported smartphone, it can also generate maps in the App. 24/7 tracking your all-day activities including steps, distance, and calories burned to help you achieve your goals.

Adopt a 1.14-inch IPS color screen. There are 4 different styles of display and the screen brightness can be adjusted on MorePro App. You can choose your favorite display style by long-pressing the main screen for a few seconds. Let your eyes comfortable no matter in the sun or in the dark.

Easy to slide Left & Right operate, which is convenient and easy for you to control the screen and choose the function you want between different functions.

Automatically monitor your sleep for each night. Let this simple device help you improve the quality of sleep for yourself.

√Receive incoming calls, text messages, calendars, and app notifications when your cellphone is nearby. You never miss important message notifications.

With the built-in "Find my phone" function of MorePro fitness tracker, just tap and hold, and your cellphone will continue to beep and vibrate until you find your cellphone. MorePro App needs to be running on your cellphone.


Body Temperature Tracking

Automatically monitor your body temperature every 10 minutes throughout the day, which can help you monitor your body temperature in real-time without being affected by external factors.

Daily Activity Tracking

Automatically record steps, calories and distance all day to achieve your fitness goals. Know your health more specifically with visible and detailed graphs for your reference on the App.

Sleep Tracking

Our fitness tracker tracks automatically your deep sleep, light sleep, awake sleep from 8 p.m.- 10 a.m. All sleep data showed as a chart on the App, helps you better understand and improve of your sleep quality.

Ideal Lock Screen with IP68 Waterproof

Design lock screen function to avoid the mistakes by the water or something touched. With IP68 waterproof, you can wear the fitness tracker to go swimming or do some water activities in the shallow water area.

Privacy Safety Function

Manually disconnect (not automatically disconnect) the between the fitness tracker and the App, all data on the fitness tracker will be cleared to “0”, including the time. Only after reconnecting to the App, all the data will be displayed on the fitness tracker and the App again. Meet your privacy safety needs.

USB Charger Design

Adopt a built-in USB plug instead of the wired charger, it is convenient for you to charge it anytime, anywhere at home or in the office. Lasts for 7 days of normal use after 2 hours fully charging.


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