Viđ erum ánægđ ađ veita viđskiptavini okkar flutninga. FITVII opinber verslunarmiðstöð velur áreiðanlegasta sendingarfyrirtækið til samstarfs. Viðskiptavinir geta ekki aðeins njóta hröðu flutninga á næstum öllum hlutum í FITVII verslunni, en upplifa einnig ýmsar öruggar og öruggar siglingaaðferðir. Þín elskuðu hlutirnir eru alltaf pakkaðir af atvinnumannavöruhúsið okkar.
Viđ höfum tvö mismunandi uppfyllingarstöđvar í Bandaríkjunum og Kína. Sendingartími og flutningsaðferðir eru eftir staðsetningu þínu.
Sending er ókeypis með skipunum yfir $ 79.
Rangt vistf
- Það er ábyrgð kaupandans að tryggja að sendingarfangið sé rétt. Við gerum okkar besta til að flýta vinnslu og flutningstíma. Ef þú telur að þú hafir fengið ranga sendingarfang, vinsamlegast hafa samband við okkur strax.
- Sendingartímin sem nefnd eru í leiðbeiningunum hér að neðan fela ekki í sér pöntunartíma. Nema fyrir forpaðafurðir tekur pöntunartíma venjulega um 1-5 viðskiptadög. Sendingartími eru aðeins fyrir viðskiptadög og fela ekki í sér frídaga eða dögum sem ekki eru viðskipta. Sendingartími fer eftir flutningsaðferðinni.
Við bjóðum upp á tvær mismunandi flutningsaðferðir: venjulega alþjóðleg siglinga ($ 7,9 - $ 9,9) og flug VIP siglinga (1,9 $). Samsvarandi flutningstímar eru:
Bandarískir svæði:
- Venjuleg siglinga 7-12 viðskiptadögur
- VIP flutningur 3-7 viðskiptadir
- Venjuleg sendingar 14-22 viðskiptadögur
- VIP flutning 7-15 viðskiptadir
Suðaustur- Asía
- Venjuleg siglingar 15-25 viðskiptadöga
- VIP sending 12-18 viðskiptadöga
Evrópu svæði
- Venjuleg flutningur 16-25 fyrirtækisdagar
- VIP sending 12-18 viðskiptadöga
Fjarlæg svæði
- Venjuleg siglinga 22-35 viðskiptadögur
- VIP flutning 18-28 viðskiptadöga
Hvenær fæ ég rekstrarnúmeriđ?
- Auđvitađ munum viđ veita ykkur rekstrarnúmer fyrir hverja pöntun frá opinberu verslun FITVII. Rekstrarnúmer verður veitt þegar pöntunin hefur sent.
Hverjir bera ábyrgð á mögulegum tollgjöldum og skatta?
- Innflutt vörur geta verið háð skatta og eru venjulega háð þjóðlögum. FITVII embættismaður ber ekki ábyrgð á neinum skattgreiningum sem hlaðnir eru fyrir vörur sínar. Sendingargjöld eru áætlanir og geta háð mismunandi stefnu og skatthraða sem eiga við í hverju landi. Vinsamlegast hafðu samband við tolnaskrifstofuna þína á staðnum til að fá upplýsingar.
Við getum ekki tryggt að hún verði ókeypis.
- Kaupandi ber ábyrgð á því að greiða tollgæslu. Þetta er reglur hvers lands. Það er safnað af ríkisstjórninni þínu og notað til að bæta líf fólks og opinbera aðstöðu. Vonandi ūiđ getiđ skiliđ!
Ef ekki er hægt að afhenda pakkann eða skilað vegna þess að kaunda hefur ekki samvinnu við tollúthreinsun / greiðslu á skyldum, kaupandinn verður ekki endurgreindur ef kaupandi hefur ekki lokið tollúthreinsun. Að lokum fékk kaupandinn ekki vörurnar og gat ekki fengið endurgreiðslu.
Allar spurningar, þú færð að hafa samband við stuðning viðskiptavina á
FAQS About GT5 Series Watches
Why do we recommend buying Fitvii GT5 Series Watches?
There are always good products out there, but finding them is hard.
We followed doctors' advice, designed Fitvii GT5 Series Watches, and achieved a technological breakthrough. So we are very confident in Fitvii GT5 Series Watches, but due to the suppression of large companies, it is difficult to expose it. If you see us, buy it, it will good for you.
Why GT5 Series watches are in short supply?
Materials and tight supply of Fitvii GT5 GT5 Series Watches(GT5 PRO) has been discontinued), It won't be available for 3 months and prices may rise again. We may transfer goods from other warehouses, and the price may increase again. We may transfer goods from other warehouses.
Why we make the GT5 Series blood pressure watch?
Anyone over the age of 30 will face blood pressure problems.
We hope to develop a watch with thehighest cost performance that can be affordable by all people. FITVII GT5 Series breaks technical boundaries and is cost-effective. This Smartwatch Does is only a quarter of 95% for a Quarter of the Price of the Big Brands.
How many languages does the watch support?
🌐13 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, etc.)
What are the rules of cancelling orders
All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.
Topp nýjar komnir-HM38
Nýtt HM38 úr, sem er 38% nákvæmari en venjulegar úr, þ.m.t. eftirlit með blóðþrýstingi.
Let customers speak for us
from 69446 reviewsThis watch is fancy! It has lots of features. First of all, it's very friendly for elders, it's easy reading and navigation. Secondly, it has the smart watch basic functions, like measure heart rate, record exercise...Thirdly, it has lots of features, such as clock, music player, and weather. So much fun to wear this watch.

Great smart watch. Was able to connect it to my daughters samsung phone. Pretty quick process. She is get text, see her calls etc. Good watch for a great price

This is my second watch I bought. I've been using this for about a week now, and I like it. It replaced my apple for a fraction of the cost. It's beautiful and functional. Battery Life last a long time, all day. It's waterproof, Accuracy is nice..Sound quality crisp clear, notifications perfect. Connectivity once established rest is piece of cake. Make sure you refresh the sync when you're trying to set the correct time and date through the app only. Has Alexa so prime members will enjoy that feature. Display is clear ..great product quality.

The watch has very accurate blood pressure, and other health functions such as heart rate, ecg, blood sugar, blood oxygen, etc. I can't live without this FitVII GT5PROMAX watch now. There is also a very popular watch for free, which looks and functions exactly the same as whoop, and my son uses it.

It was easy to set up. Great value for the money. I like the display, everything looks clear. The beige strap looks very elegant and feels comfortable.

I had to get a new smart watch as my old one's battery wouldn't last a day now. This new one is not cheap but the fitness tracking and BP monitor seem quite accurate. It works well with my android phone and the battery life is amazing! It has lasted

This band is amazing! Comfortable, packed with health and fitness features. Easy to use and excellent value for the price. Highly recommend!

Upgrade Fitvii® GT5 Pro Max Blood Glucose Watch With BP+HRV+ECG(EKG)+PGG+SpO2+SOS+Stress+Sleep Monitoring Supports Voice Calls And Fitness Tracker + Free Straps Gift🎁

Excellent watch! It has all the functions I need. Fast delivery and beautiful design. The battery lasts a long time. I am very satisfied! Highly recommend buying it.

Very nice smartwatch. Great battery life as long as wrist motion screen display is off. Almost 3 weeks charge without it on. 2 to 3 days if it's on. Has so many features and are very accurate.

I love the watch and being able to tell my blood pressure helps a lot

My husband loves this watch once he figured out how to used it. He can monitor his glucose, HP, and more!

I've been looking for a health watch with fall monitoring, and this is easily the best smartwatch I've ever used.

This watch looks good and work even better. It has so many features and functions and it was easy to begin to use. The app works very well and it has an easy charging process. I can make calls or answer my cell phone on this watch. The watch faces offers many different options to satisfy your preferences. I just discovered that I can have the watch display the time (analog or digital) all the time by flipping a digital switch. It has so many functions, heart rate, EKG, blood pressure, glucose level, blood oxygen, timer, stop watch alarms, sleep apnea monitor, email and message notifications and many other functions. Get your own and find out.

It's not too flashy, but it still stands out in a really nice way. The black color is really stylish and goes well with everything. It is an awesome device. One of the coolest features of the watch is its health tracking capabilities. It can monitor my blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels 24/7, which is really useful. The readings are accurate, and it's nice to have all this health information available on my wrist. The sleep tracking function is another feature I use all the time. It gives me detailed reports about my sleep quality.