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FitVII® Fall Detection Smartwatch With BP+BG+Spo2+HR+ECG+Sleep+Calls All-in-one Health Monitoring -🎁Free Straps

FitVII® Fall Detection Smartwatch With BP+BG+Spo2+HR+ECG+Sleep+Calls All-in-one Health Monitoring -🎁Free Straps

Venjulegt verð $189.90 USD
Venjulegt verð $399.90 USD Söluverð $189.90 USD
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AegisFit Health Smartwatch

~Fall Detection & SOS Automatic Call~

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 680,000 people die from falls each year, with those over 60 accounting for more than half of these deaths. Falls have become the leading cause of accidental death among the elderly.

In response, MorePro has collaborated with top global emergency response organizations to develop the AegisFit smartwatch.This watch not only provides everyday SOS capabilities but also features a precise fall detection sensor. When a fall or impact occurs, the watch automatically calls an emergency contact within 10 seconds, helping elderly users receive timely assistance and reducing post-fall safety risks.

Comprehensive Health Monitoring

~Advanced ECG & HR Tracking~

ECG and heart rate are vital indicators of heart health, playing a crucial role in the prevention and diagnosis of heart disease and monitoring overall heart condition.

The AegisFit smartwatch leverages advanced chip sensors and unique health algorithms to provide accurate ECG and heart rate readings in just 20 seconds.Additionally, detailed ECG reports can be viewed on the "Joeme Fit" app, offering insights into heart rate, HRV (Heart Rate Variability), and ECG trends, along with a scientific assessment of risks for myocarditis, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, and other conditions.

~24/7 Blood Pressure Monitoring~

Maintaining healthy blood pressure is essential for proper cardiovascular function and preventing heart disease. The AegisFit uses laser technology to precisely monitor blood pressure fluctuations, allowing users to track their blood pressure (SBP/DBP) anytime, anywhere.

It’s ideal for those with hypertension, cardiovascular conditions, and older adults who need to keep an eye on their blood pressure, providing early detection and warnings for related health issues.

~Fourth-Generation Blood Glucose Technology~

The AegisFit features MorePro’s fourth-generation non-invasive blood glucose technology, using lasers on the watch’s underside to analyze blood under the skin, up to 5 millimeters deep, for a non-invasive blood glucose reading.

Note: While non-invasive glucose technology cannot entirely replace medical-grade blood tests, the AegisFit smartwatch offers superior accuracy among similar products and meets most blood glucose monitoring needs.

~Upgraded Blood Oxygen Monitoring~

The AegisFit smartwatch includes an upgraded, independent blood oxygen sensor that uses nano-level infrared light to detect blood oxygen saturation (SpO2).
This non-invasive, safe feature is crucial for the early detection of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular issues, anemia, and more.

~Uric Acid & Lipid Monitoring~

Using laser detection, the AegisFit smartwatch accurately evaluates uric acid (umol/L) and lipid levels (mmol/L) in the blood, aiding in the early identification and treatment of conditions like gout and arthritis.

~Sleep Health Assistant~

Exceptional Smart Features

~Diverse Exercise Modes~

~Smart Calling & Message Notifications~

~Data Visualization Smart APP~

~Waterproof Design~

~Fast Charging & Long Battery Life~

~Double Discount Today Only!~

~AegisFit Smartwatch Details~

MorePro AegisFit Features:

  • Fall Detection, SOS Alert
  • Blood Pressure, Blood Oxygen
  • Blood Glucose, Blood Lipids
  • ECG, Heart Rate
  • Stress, HRV Report
  • Body Temperature, Uric Acid
  • Blood Composition, Body Composition
  • 150+ Sport Modes, Sleep Monitoring
  • Step Counting, Calorie Tracking
  • Bluetooth Calling, Phone Finder
  • Message Alerts, Weather
  • Breathing Exercises, Games
  • Timer, Calculator
  • Stopwatch, Alarm
  • Sedentary Reminder, Wrist Raise to Wake
  • Music Control, Remote Camera
  • Customizable Watch Faces
  • ………………

Package List:

1* AegisFit Watch
1* AegisFit Changer
1* AegisFit User Guide
2* AegisFit Straps

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Juliet Crofts
An essential part of my daily routine

One of the standout features of this watch is its ability to monitor blood glucose, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels around the clock. The readings are accurate and provide valuable insights into my overall health, allowing me to keep track of important metrics without needing multiple devices. I especially appreciate the sleep tracking function, which gives detailed reports on sleep quality, helping me understand and improve my sleep patterns. The design of the watch is sleek and comfortable to wear. It is also convenient to receive calls, messages, and app alerts directly on my wrist. All these together, make it a great watch to wear every day.

Cool Smartwatch

This product has been pretty cool. The battery life last a while, it tracks sleep well, not over sized for the wrist. Seems pretty accurate for functionality for steps, as well has tracking heart rate, oxygen, even can track blood pressure. This is definitely worth the value!

Only improvement I would like to see on the app would be how to see your precious day(s) history with steps and rates captured. This is something I can't find under any settings option.


This feature is incredibly effective. last week, it detected a fall while I was hiking, and the emergency alert was sent right away. The quick response could make a huge difference in life-threatening situations.

Bart Bethune
Wonderful watch...

I bought it for my father who has dementia.
I always know where he is, because he is the most important person in my life.

Tess Parker
I like this watch

Just as advertised, better than my garmin watch.

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