FITVII® Health Smartwatch with BP+HR+ECG+ BG+SpO2+ SOS & blood analysis supports voice calls and fitness tracking🔥
FITVII® Health Smartwatch with BP+HR+ECG+ BG+SpO2+ SOS & blood analysis supports voice calls and fitness tracking🔥
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2024 FitVii's ALL-IN-ONE Health Smartwatch!
▷ ElectroPulse ◁
A cutting-edge smartwatch capable of 24-hour health monitoring, the ElectroPulse utilizes state-of-the-art artificial intelligence algorithms and precision sensors to provide accurate and reliable monitoring data, along with exclusive app analysis reports.
The Most Reliable Portable Blood Pressure Monitor
Having healthy blood pressure is key to maintaining normal cardiovascular function and preventing cardiovascular diseases.
The ElectroPulse smartwatch accurately monitors blood pressure fluctuations through nanometer-level laser technology, allowing you to check your blood pressure (SBP/DBP) anytime, anywhere.
It is ideal for individuals with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and the elderly to monitor their blood pressure status, effectively aiding in the early detection and warning of diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Comprehensive Protection of Heart Health!
Real-Time Heart Rate Monitoring
Unhealthy heart rates can lead to heart diseases such as myocarditis and sudden cardiac arrest. The heart rate sensor of the ElectroPulse smartwatch detects the body's heart rate status at a frequency of 250 times per minute, displaying real-time heart rate data. It also features an alarm for abnormal heart rate values (such as arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation—AFib), making it ideal for daily heart rate monitoring during activities.
Smart And Accurate ECG Monitoring
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a crucial indicator of heart health, playing a significant role in preventing and diagnosing heart disease, as well as monitoring overall heart health.
With advanced sensors and a unique health algorithm, the ElectroPulse smartwatch allows you to check your ECG data by simply placing your hand on the metal detection surface on the side of the watch for about 30 seconds. This data is then used to generate comprehensive ECG reports on the accompanying app.
Dynamic Blood Oxygen (SpO2) Monitoring
Blood oxygen refers to the oxygen content in the blood. The ElectroPulse smartwatch features an independent blood oxygen sensor that utilizes nanometer-level infrared light to detect blood oxygen saturation (SpO2).
This technology is safe and non-invasive, playing a crucial role in early detection of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, and other conditions.
Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring
Compared to traditional glucose meters that require blood sampling for glucose monitoring, the ElectroPulse smartwatch uses high-performance optical sensors to detect blood glucose levels. It penetrates the skin to a depth of less than 5 millimeters, enabling non-invasive detection of your blood glucose levels.
Friendly Reminder: Currently, global non-invasive blood glucose technology cannot completely replace medical-grade blood sampling for glucose testing.
However, the ElectroPulse smartwatch boasts industry-leading accuracy in blood glucose monitoring, meeting the needs of most users requiring blood glucose monitorin.
Protection in Emergencies: Life-Saving SOS Feature

Message Notifications
Once connected to your phone via Bluetooth, the watch allows you to make and receive calls, as well as receive text messages and social media notifications directly on your wrist, ensuring you never miss important messages.
Integrated phone: Always stay connected during activities!
The Bluetooth phone function of our smartwatches is designed to make the daily life of seniors easier and improve their communication experience. This feature provides the following 3 benefits:
Multiple Sports Modes Tracking
The ElectroPulse supports tracking for up to 10 different sports modes, accurately recording metrics such as steps, distance, and calorie consumption during exercise, promoting a healthier and more scientifically informed approach to fitness while enhancing exercise efficiency.
Intelligent Sleep Assistance
The ElectroPulse helps monitor your sleep status, including duration, breathing rate, and number of awakenings, distinguishing between light and deep sleep stages. It assists in improving sleep habits, enhancing sleep quality, and effectively addressing issues such as insomnia and sleep apnea.
Fast Charging, Long Battery Life
Using high-density polymer lithium battery, strong battery life, a single
charge standby time of up to 30 days, daily use scenario battery life of up
to 7 -10 days with you to adhere to the good habits in life.
Waterproof Design
Classic Design and Comfortable Experience
The ElectroPulse smartwatch features a classic square contour with rounded edges, paired with a variety of flexible straps for an extremely comfortable wearing experience suitable for all-day wear, especially for the elderly population.
Explore More Practical Features!The ElectroPulse smartwatch is not just a precise health and fitness monitoring smartwatch, but also offers a variety of practical features such as temperature detection, weather forecast, SOS emergency assistance, alarm clock, stopwatch, and more.
ElectroPulse Packaging
Five Reasons to Choose ElectroPulse!
①All-In-One & Comprehensive Features
②Latest Technology & Accurate Monitoring
③30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
④ 180-Day Product Warranty
⑤New Product Limited Time Discount Price $99.98, Price Increases to $159.98 at the End of the Week!
Your Ultimate Health Companion!
ElectroPulse All Features: |
✅Blood Pressure | ✅Blood Oxygen |
✅Blood Glucose | ✅Blood Lipids |
✅Heart Rate | ✅Heart Rate Alarm |
✅Electrocardiogram (ECG) | ✅HRV |
✅Body Temperature | ✅Uric Acid |
✅Blood Components | ✅Body Composition |
✅10 Sports Modes | ✅Sleep Monitoring |
✅Bluetooth Calling | ✅Bluetooth Music |
✅Message Reminders | ✅Weather |
✅Respiratory Rate | ✅SOS Emergency |
✅IP67 Waterproof | ✅Remote Camera |
✅Sedentary Reminder | ✅Wrist Flip Screen |
✅Voice Assistant | ✅Mini Games |
✅Stopwatch | ✅Alarm |
✅Step Counter | ✅Calorie Tracker |
✅Music Control | ✅Menstrual Reminder |
We truly believe we carry some of the most innovative products in the world, and we want to make sure we back that up with a risk-free ironclad 180-day guarantee.
We have Email Support: Please contact us if you need assistance.
If you need a fall monitoring watch, please upgrade to the PlusMax model watch.
Excellent watch! It has all the functions I need. Fast delivery and beautiful design. The battery lasts a long time. I am very satisfied! Highly recommend buying it.
Measuring Blood Glucose has something to do with reality,
blood pressure testing is consistency in the results
I am 68 years old and I have to pay attention to my blood pressure and heart rate every day. In the past 10 years, I have used more than a dozen health watches, including products from Apple, Fitbit, Samsung and other brands, but it is difficult to find a product that I am completely satisfied with until I bought this ElectroPulse smart watch. The rich functions and high-precision data of this watch surprised me. This is the best watch I have used so far under $200. I am willing to recommend the ElectroPulse watch to every friend.
The ElectroPulse Watch's blood pressure readings are surprisingly accurate, and the convenience of tracking my health on my phone is a game-changer. My dad loves it too!

30 daga ábyrgð
Til að tryggja að þú fáir hámarksánægð af vörum okkar, þá leggur Fitvii liðið til að prófa hvert vöru fyrir gæðum fullvissu. Við treystum því að við bjóðum bestu og nýstárlegustu vörurnar bara fyrir þig. Viđ bjķđum 30 daga ánægju ábyrgđ ūegar ūú getur prķfađ vörur okkar og sjá hvort ūađ er fyrir ūig.
Ef þú átt einhverja mál við vörur okkar, vinsamlegast náðu til okkar hvenær sem er. Viđ höfum liđ sem vinnur međ ūér til ađ tryggja ađ ūú sért ánægđ međ kaup.
Við skiljum að kaupa á netinu getur stundum verið áhættuleg en hjá okkur þarftu ekki að hafa áhyggjur þar sem við bjóðum upp á núllhættu reynslu. sem þýðir að ef þér líkar ekki kaup, Viđ gerum ūađ rétt!
Fyrir allar spurningar, vinsamlegast vertu frjáls að láta okkur skilaboð. Við höfum hollustu lið sem vinnur 24/7 með viðskiptavini okkar og hvaða mál sem þeir hafa. Venjulega rannsaka málstað fyrst áður en viðbrögðum við að gefa þér betri lausn svo vinsamlegast leyfðu allt að 24 klukkustundir að heyra frá okkur.
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