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Fitvii® Health Watch-2024 Newest CARE AIR 2 All-In-One Fitness Tracker With Air Pump Blood Pressure+BG+EKG+HRV+SPO2+RR+Uric Acid+Sleep+Calls

Fitvii® Health Watch-2024 Newest CARE AIR 2 All-In-One Fitness Tracker With Air Pump Blood Pressure+BG+EKG+HRV+SPO2+RR+Uric Acid+Sleep+Calls

Venjulegt verð $239.90 USD
Venjulegt verð $599.90 USD Söluverð $239.90 USD
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Skattur innifalinn.

best health watch

Fitvii's 2024 newly upgraded health watch CARE AIR2 has an inflatable airbag blood pressure monitoring function. It innovates 7/24 automatic continuous uric acid, blood sugar, and blood lipid functions, supplements the weather forecast function of GT5 and GT5PRO, improves the watch's ElectroPulse manual detection function, and fully completes 7/24 automatic detection and continuous monitoring of various life characteristics. After calibration, the data accuracy of the CARE AIR 2 health watch is as high as 99.97%, which is a Class II clinical medical device.

Why Fitvii CARE AIR 2 price is so expensive?

✅ 7/24 automatic continuous monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, blood oxygen, heart rate, uric acid, body temperature and my breathing rate and other vital signs, and the data is automatically uploaded to the "healthwear" APP every ten minutes. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, there is no need to manually click the watch test.

✅Air Pump + Airbag Oscillometric Blood Pressure.

✅Environmentally friendly micro airbags.

✅Intelligent voice assistance improves measurement accuracy.

✅Pulse alarm.

✅Body temperature alarm.

✅Care function for up to three relatives

✅24/7 automatic and continuous health monitoring, most watches on the market are manually tested.

✅The best electrocardiogram monitor allows you to check atrial fibrillation (Afib), allowing you to avoid irregular heart rhythms that may lead to stroke or heart failure.

✅Added blood sugar, uric acid and blood lipid monitor.

✅99.9% accurate sleep monitoring.

✅No APP subscription fee is required.

✅Simple and easy-to-use APP, health guidance.

✅Long battery life. (15 days)

✅Good after-sales service.

✅30-day refund, 720-day maintenance.



Technology: The FITVII™ CARE AIR 2 smartwatch features the advanced RTL8762DW processor, along with the cutting-edge BP006 blood pressure-specific chip and the MAC20A miniature piezoelectric air pump, boasting a heart rate sampling rate of up to 512Hz. It utilizes the inflation of an air pump and cuff to detect minute pressure changes caused by arterial blood flow fluctuations, which are then processed by an internal pressure sensor to measure important data such as blood pressure. Combined with an advanced health algorithm analysis system, it delivers professional and accurate blood pressure monitoring functionality.

24/7 automatic continuous blood glucose monitoring

Compared with traditional blood sugar meters that require blood sampling for blood sugar monitoring, the Fitvii CARE AIR 2 smartwatch uses a high-performance optical sensor to detect blood sugar levels. It penetrates the skin less than 5 mm deep and provides 24-hour continuous non-invasive blood sugar monitoring, making it easy to understand blood sugar trends, adjust diet, exercise and other lifestyles based on data, and better control blood sugar levels.

Warm reminder: At present, the global non-invasive blood sugar technology cannot completely replace medical-grade blood sugar sampling for blood sugar testing.

However, the the Fitvii CARE AIR 2  smartwatch has industry-leading accuracy in blood sugar monitoring, meeting the needs of most users who need blood sugar monitoring.

24/7 automatic continuous uric acid monitoring

High uric acid is closely related to metabolic syndromes such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. High uric acid levels can cause uric acid crystals to deposit in joints, causing gout, kidney stones, and even renal insufficiency. Regular testing of uric acid can help gout patients, kidney disease patients, obese, hypertensive, and diabetic patients control their condition and prevent gout, stroke, heart disease, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and other diseases.

ECG monitoring

According to the World Health Organization, about 17 million people die from heart disease each year worldwide. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important tool to reflect heart health data, and plays an important role in diagnosing heart disease, evaluating treatment effects, monitoring heart health, and preventing heart attacks.

Explore FITVII™ CARE ARI 2 Smartwatch - a revolutionary smartwatch designed for your health. It is equipped with advanced high-performance chips, sensitive sensors, and unique laser technology, with an accuracy rate of up to 98.02%, and provides alerts for abnormal data.

Without complicated procedures, you can easily get your ECG data in 55 seconds. FITVII™ CARE ARI 2 Smartwatch uses our professional-grade health algorithm to accurately capture your heart activity and provide detailed monitoring results.

24/7 automatic continuous blood oxygen and heart rate monitoring

The FITVII™ CARE AIR 2  smartwatch integrates cutting-edge technology with care, featuring the OSRAM SFH2703 blood oxygen sensor and utilizing laser technology for real-time blood oxygen index monitoring. This innovative technology offers nano-level precision and is completely non-invasive.

This advanced monitoring method is not only extremely safe and reliable but also capable of timely detection of potential health issues such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and anemia. It provides timely alerts and care when most needed. With every heartbeat, you can feel the perfect fusion of technology and health, bringing you more peace of mind and confidence in your life. It's worth mentioning that it only takes 15 seconds to accurately monitor your blood oxygen saturation.

Heart rate health is crucial for the body as it reflects the speed and rhythm of heart pumping, directly indicating the cardiac function.

The FITVII™ AIR 2 smartwatch, without the need for a chest strap, measures heart rate directly on the wrist using smart pulse technology and hardware standards. Utilizing principles of electrocardiography, it dynamically monitors users' heart rate status 24 hours a day, providing heart rate alerts for abnormal data to help detect heart issues promptly. With just 13 seconds, it delivers fast and accurate heart rate reports.

24/7 automatic continuous body temperature monitoring

Fitvii CARE AIR smartwatch uses the advanced CT1711 array temperature sensor to continuously detect your body temperature data and display it on the app, providing you with comprehensive daily insights. Its alarm function is suitable for disease prevention or condition monitoring for the elderly, children, diabetics, heart patients, postoperative patients, and people at high risk of infectious diseases.

Sleep monitoring
Sleep quality is crucial for health. Our smartwatch monitors your sleep, including duration, breathing rate, and awakenings. By distinguishing between light and deep sleep stages, we help you improve sleep habits and enhance sleep quality. Effectively addressing issues like insomnia and sleep apnea, ensuring you start each day in a pleasant way.

DIY surface
Call and SMS reminder function
Voice assistant
Family sharing data
Music control

All functions:

  • 24/7 automatic continuous blood pressure monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous blood glucose monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous uric acid monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous body temperature monitoring
  • ECG monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous heart rate monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous blood oxygen monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous blood lipid monitoring
  • 24/7 automatic continuous respiratory rate
  • Sleep monitoring
  • Activity tracker and exercise suggestions (pedometer, calories, mileage)
    Exercise mode; (Enter exercise mode, long press for 3 seconds to activate, when you start exercising, real-time monitoring of heart rate, steps, calories burned, mileage from start to finish.)
  • Call and SMS reminder function; (including Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, email, WeChat, QQ and other social software)
  • Remote control photography (by rotating the wrist and bracelet touch screen)
  • Voice assistant
  • Weather
  • DIY surface
  • Alarm clock
  • Countdown
  • Stopwatch
  • Power saving mode
  • 10 levels of brightness adjustment
  • Music control
  • Do not disturb mode
  • Lock screen
  • Find phone
  • Family sharing data
  • 15 days of battery life
  • IP68 waterproof

Packing List

  • 1* CARE AIR2 SmartWatch
  • 1* CARE AIR2 SmartWatch Charging Cable
  • 1* CARE AIR2 SmartWatch User Guide

Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews
Elizabeth Sapir
Can't get 5 stars

The good:
1.amazing battery life, feature set
2.BP reading is accurate.
3.App is reliable ie host does appear to always up and extremely usable.
The Bad:
1. Sleep results are obviously incorrect

Alok Jain
Satisfied with HT5 Pro

I ordered GT5 Pro it was shipped on time but due to postal strike it got stuck but Fitvii answered all my mail and kept me updated. Finally I got the watch and started using it was easy to setup. It’s a great watch the readings are quite accurate and gives a fair idea of my parameters.
I highly recommend it.

Great Watch

Gift to my husband,he love it.

Bertram Bell
I love the watch

The watch is a great watch it work wonderful it keeps up with my blood pressure and my stress level it an all around wonderful watch I recommend guys to get this Watch if you have high blood pressure and also good for keeping up with me while I‘m in the gym working out battery life is OK and it was very easy to set up I stop using my Apple Watch

Athena Longman
functional and comfortable to wear

I have been using this smart watch for a few weeks, and I am satisfied with its performance so far. The screen is vibrant and responsive. I like the health-tracking features it packed, including blood pressure and heart rate monitoring, which works well.

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