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Fitvii New V101 Fitness Tracker for Kids & Teens

Fitvii New V101 Fitness Tracker for Kids & Teens

Venjulegt verð $19.90 USD
Venjulegt verð $39.90 USD Söluverð $19.90 USD
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Skattur innifalinn.
Please note that this is an early Black Friday sale for the most popular new items, if you are unable to place your order it means that the stock has sold out.

About this item: 

All-Day Activity Tracking: Fit V101 for Kids Teens Automatically counts steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes. Supports sports modes like walking, running, cycling, swimming(IP68 Waterproof), basketball, and more.
Without/With APP: Fit V101 kids fitness tracker watch can be used seperately without APP and phone. But with APP, you could explore more functions. Compatible with Android 6.0+ and iOS 9.0+ smartphones.
Comprehensive Health Monitoring: Monitors real-time heart rate and tracks sleep patterns to promote your child's well-being.
Customizable Watch Face & HD Touch Screen:Our kids fitness tracker boasts a HD touch screen and offers 30+ exquisite cloud dials in Wofit APP. Elevate personal style with custom dials using your kids' own photos and ignite their creativity!

Multiple daily life assistant functions: find watch, alarm clock, remote camera, temperature monitoring, remote monitoring, receive messages and Bluetooth calls, etc.

Encourages Healthy Habits & Perfect Gift Idea: Fit V101 kids smart watch motivates children to develop good exercise habits and stay healthier. Ideal gift for birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.

Looking for other holiday gift watches🎁?

Most popular ECG(EKG) fitness tracker for seniors: Fit V19
Most popular sleep smartwatch for insomniacs: Fit HM19
Most popular Blood pressure & Bluetooth call watch for men: Fit GT3
Most popular health watch for women: Fit X7
Most stylish blood pressure watch: Fit GT5
Most cost-effective and accurate GPS watch: Fit HM03

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Humphrey Becher
Great kids watch

Our 8-year-old daughter wanted a watch and step counter, but we didn't want to spring for anything too expensive, so this seemed to fit the bill. She's really enjoyed seeing all her "stats" and being able to get the time so easily. There are not a ton of faces you can pick from, but there are enough to where she can switch it up once in a while and be happy with it. It seems to be decently water resistant when she washes her hands, and it also seems to be relatively on with step counts and other metrics. It's definitely a great little starter tracker/watch for younger kids!

Rita Leopold
Good price

I bought this for my son but my 12 year old daughter loved it and took it for herself. She likes the size of the face of the watch and that it looks more adult ish. Set up easy, she set it up all by byherself. Great value for the price.

Jo Euphemia
Worth repurchasing

Second time repurchasing, I first bought a V101 and a V19 for my daughter and my mom respectively, they both liked it. Then my husband also wanted a V19, so I bought it again and was very satisfied.

Merlin Hill
My family loves the fitvii fitness tracker

I bought V101 and V19 respectively, and I like V19 better because it has more functions, especially the EKG function, which has helped the elderly in my family a lot.

Arthur Gard(i)ner
Perfect gift

My son is obsessed with this thing!!! It��s the perfect Christmas gift for a little boy. He loves wearing his ��big boy watch��

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Ef þú átt einhverja mál við vörur okkar, vinsamlegast náðu til okkar hvenær sem er. Viđ höfum liđ sem vinnur međ ūér til ađ tryggja ađ ūú sért ánægđ međ kaup.

Við skiljum að kaupa á netinu getur stundum verið áhættuleg en hjá okkur þarftu ekki að hafa áhyggjur þar sem við bjóðum upp á núllhættu reynslu. sem þýðir að ef þér líkar ekki kaup, Viđ gerum ūađ rétt!

Fyrir allar spurningar, vinsamlegast vertu frjáls að láta okkur skilaboð. Við höfum hollustu lið sem vinnur 24/7 með viðskiptavini okkar og hvaða mál sem þeir hafa. Venjulega rannsaka málstað fyrst áður en viðbrögðum við að gefa þér betri lausn svo vinsamlegast leyfðu allt að 24 klukkustundir að heyra frá okkur. Fitviiglobal@gmail.com

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