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Fitvii HM18 Fitness Tracker With IP68 Waterproof

Fitvii HM18 Fitness Tracker With IP68 Waterproof

Venjulegt verð $45.90 USD
Venjulegt verð $99.90 USD Söluverð $45.90 USD
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About this item

  • 24/7 TRACK YOUR FITNESS— Keep track of your heart rate and blood pressure all day long to monitor your exercise performance. FITVII HM18 fitness tracker is designed to encourage an active lifestyle, not for medical use.
  • HRV — Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a key indicator of overall health and fitness. FITVII HM18 fitness tracker tracks the subtle changes in time intervals between heartbeats, providing a deeper insight into your body's stress levels and recovery status. With this feature, you can optimize your workouts, manage stress better, and improve your overall well-being. Don't just track your heart rate; understand it with FITVII HM18 fitness watch!
  • SLEEP TRACKING — Monitor sleep quality with scientific sleep records that provide a complete sleep structure analysis. Understand your sleep states better with updated sleep monitoring that works not only at night but also during the day.
  • OPTIMIZING WORKOUTS— It is for sports/fit enthusiasts like runners, and anyone interested in measuring their blood oxygen and heart rate. The smartwatch will vibrate and remind you to adjust your workout when your heart rate is too high. FITVII tracker watches continuously monitor blood oxygen levels at night and prompt blood oxygen levels that exceed the required range.
  • TAKE YOUR FITNESS FURTHER— FITVII activity tracker all day measures the calories burned, steps, and distance. Use 20 sports modes to exercise scientifically & level up your workouts by recording heart rate, calories, and more.
  • MORE PRACTICAL FUNCTIONS — Phone calls, texts, and all App message notifications are readily available. Real-time Weather, Alarm, Timer Stopwatch, Cycle Tracking, Camera, Sedentary Reminder, Music Control, Wrist Sensor Switch, Find Phone, DIY Watch Faces, and more to make your fitness journey even more convenient.
  • WIDE COMPATIBILITY — 1.13 inch HD Touch screen FITVII Smartwatch is compatible with smartphones with iOS 10.0 / Android 5.0 / Bluetooth 4.0 or above smartphones(not for PC, iPad or tablet). Our FITVII HM18 fitness tracker is tailored to fit wrists ranging from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches.
  • WATERPROOF & BATTERY — IP68 water & dust resistance rating it's protected, even in the rain. Up to 5-day battery life with 1-2 hours charging time. (Battery life and charge cycles vary with use, settings, and other factors)


Packing List

  • 1* HM18 Fitness Tracker
  • 1* HM18 Changer
  • 1*HM18 User Guide
  • We truly believe we carry some of the most innovative products in the world, and we want to make sure we back that up with a risk-free ironclad 180-day guarantee.
  • We have  Email Support: fitviisns@gmail.com. Please contact us if you need assistance.


Customer Reviews

Based on 782 reviews
Stephen Johnson
Hm18 do not buy

Blood oxygen does not work blood pressure not right set up on the side of the bed it jumped up to 404 steps

Ward Bechtelar

Good price ratio

Horace Bliner

Looks great!

Melinda Allen

Good price ratio

Kennedy Nikolaus

The watch looks very nice. It works perfectly. The battery is good. Works great when called from it. The watch is beautiful and looks much more expensive. My recommendations. I will take a picture of it soon.

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Til að tryggja að þú fáir hámarksánægð af vörum okkar, þá leggur Fitvii liðið til að prófa hvert vöru fyrir gæðum fullvissu. Við treystum því að við bjóðum bestu og nýstárlegustu vörurnar bara fyrir þig. Viđ bjķđum 30 daga ánægju ábyrgđ ūegar ūú getur prķfađ vörur okkar og sjá hvort ūađ er fyrir ūig.

Ef þú átt einhverja mál við vörur okkar, vinsamlegast náðu til okkar hvenær sem er. Viđ höfum liđ sem vinnur međ ūér til ađ tryggja ađ ūú sért ánægđ međ kaup.

Við skiljum að kaupa á netinu getur stundum verið áhættuleg en hjá okkur þarftu ekki að hafa áhyggjur þar sem við bjóðum upp á núllhættu reynslu. sem þýðir að ef þér líkar ekki kaup, Viđ gerum ūađ rétt!

Fyrir allar spurningar, vinsamlegast vertu frjáls að láta okkur skilaboð. Við höfum hollustu lið sem vinnur 24/7 með viðskiptavini okkar og hvaða mál sem þeir hafa. Venjulega rannsaka málstað fyrst áður en viðbrögðum við að gefa þér betri lausn svo vinsamlegast leyfðu allt að 24 klukkustundir að heyra frá okkur. Fitviiglobal@gmail.com

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