Barántas & Aisíocaíocht
Clúdaíonn beartas barántas siopa FITVII ach táirgí, mar a shainmhínítear anseo, a cheannaíodh trínár stór oifigiúil ar líne. Chun a chinntiú go bhfuil do tháirge FITVII barántúla agus cosanta ag ár mbarántas, ceannach ó ár siopa oifigiúil ar líne.
Measaimid cáilíocht táirgí chomh tábhachtach lenár saol. Déantar tástáil dhian ar gach ceann dár múnlaí roimh olltáirgeadh, agus déantar tástáil dhian ar cháilíocht gach táirge sula dtéann sé ar an margadh.
Toisc gur táirge leictreonach comhtháite é smartwatch comhdhéanta de na mílte comhpháirteanna, ní mór gach croí-chomhpháirt a thiomáint ag bogearraí éagsúla, agus mar sin is féidir go dtiocfadh roinnt fadhbanna crua-earraí nó bogearraí chun cinn.
Tá muid an-imní faoi thaithí gach úsáideora a úsáideoir FITVII Táirgí, agus geallaimid a sholáthar a sholáthrú FITVII Úsáideoirí a bhfuil 180 lá seirbhís cáilíocht barántais acu ón dáta a sheachadadh. Le haghaidh rialacha baránta eile, féach le do thoil ar na téarmaí thíos.
30-Lá Ráthaíocht Airgead-Bac
Má tá tú míshásta le do cheannach ara FITVII Suíomh Gréasáin ar chúis fadhbanna, is féidir leat teagmháil a dhéanamh linn a fháil ar ais agus aisíoc ar an gcostas táirge laistigh de 30 lá ó é a fháil.
Chomh luath agus a thagann an t-earra ar ais chuig ár stóras le haghaidh iniúchta, cuirfear tús leis an bpróiseas aisíocaíochta.
Ní mór don phróiseas aisíocaíochta físeán a sholáthar freisin, mar sin ní mhol mé go ginearálta aisíocaíochtaí. Táimid ag tosú anois ar an bpróiseas aisíocaíochta.
1. Athshocraigh an faire, dhíshuiteáil an APP, a ghlanadh ar na sonraí Bluetooth agus pacáistiú táirge, ansin soláthar físe cruthúnas.
2. Cuir an uimhir rianaithe ar fáil.
Nuair a chuimid pas a fháil ar na 1 phointe thuas, tabhair an táirge de réir an lipéad fillte a thug muid. Agus a sholáthar an uimhir ordaithe lóistíochta (an-tábhachtach).
Nuair a gheobhaimid na hearraí, socróimid an aisíoc, agus beidh an aisíoc ar ais laistigh de 1-4 seachtaine.
NÓTA: Chun tuairisceáin neamhúdaraithe a chosc, cuir pointe 1 de na coinníollacha ar ais os cionn sula eiseoidh muid lipéad ar ais.
Chun cáiliú le haghaidh aisíocaíochta, ní mór na coinníollacha seo a leanas a chomhlíonadh:
- Ní dhéanann muid a phróiseáil ach amháin má tá an táirge úsáideadh ar chor ar bith.
Ní mór Údarú Marsantais Aischuir a iarraidh ónár bhfoireann seirbhíse do chustaiméirí laistigh de thríocha (30) lá tar éis é a fháil. Déan teagmháil le do thoil. Tacaí .
Ní mór do Tháirge (Táirgí ar ais) a bheith sa riocht fisiciúil céanna agus a bhí tráth an cheannaigh (gan a bheith briste go fisiciúil nó gan damáiste).
Ní mór gach earra cúlpháirtí agus bunphacáistiú a chuimsítear le do cheannachán a chur san áireamh le do thuairisceáin.
Maidir leis na horduithe nach bhfuil an ráthaíocht airgid ar ais 30 lá imithe in éag gan aon saincheisteanna cáilíochta, diúltófar d’iarratais ar aisíocaíocht.
Le haghaidh na n-orduithe nach gceannaítear go díreach trínár siopaí ar líne, déan teagmháil le miondíoltóirí le haghaidh aisíocaíochtaí.
Téarmaí agus coinníollacha breise:
- Is féidir táirgí a ordaítear i mí na Samhna agus mí na Nollag a thabhairt ar ais go dtí an 31 Eanáir na bliana dar gcionn (nó 45 lá - cibé acu is faide).
- Níl táillí seolta agus láimhseála, táillí fillte bronntanais, agus cánacha íoctha (, stát, custaim, CBL) inaisíoctha.
- Tá tú freagrach as gach muirear loingseoireachta agus ní mór duit réamhíoc agus glacfaidh tú glacadh le gach riosca caillteanais nó damáiste don Táirge agus é ag idirthuras FITVII .
- Má thugann tú Táirge ar FITVII gan gach páirt (lena n-áirítear ach nach bhfuil teoranta don Táirge agus aon doiciméad a bhaineann leis) san áireamh sa phacáiste bunaidh, FITVII Coinníonn sé an ceart chun seachadadh an tuairisceán sin a dhiúltú nó táille athchóirithe de 15% de phraghas bunaidh an Táirge nó a ghearradh agat luach miondíola na ngabhálacha atá ar iarraidh, cibé acu is airde.
- Déanfar aisíocaíochtaí a phróiseáil agus a íoc laistigh de 4 seachtaine ó FITVII Admháil an Táirge.
Barántas Deisiúcháin 180 Lae
Mura bhfuil nóta eile faoin bharántas ar an leathanach táirge, is é an tréimhse bharántas táirge réamhshocraithe ná 180 lá ag tosú ón dáta a fhaigheann tú na hearraí, ar lena linn a bheidh tú incháilithe le haghaidh deisiúcháin saor in aisce. Ní mór aon deisiúchán saor in aisce a dhearbhú leis an monaróir trí Sheirbhís do Chustaiméirí. Ní mór do chustaiméirí na táillí loingseoireachta a íoc as an earra a thabhairt ar ais dá réir sin, agus clúdóimid na táillí loingseoireachta chun an earra deisithe a sheoladh ar ais chuig an gcustaiméir. Má rinne an custaiméir damáiste/mí-úsáid don mhír(í), ní bheidh sé i dteideal deisiúchán in aisce a fháil.
Gan Clúdach Faoi Barántacht
● Táirgí gan cruthúnas leordhóthanach ar cheannacha
● Táirgí caillte nó goidte tar éis iad a fháil
● Míreanna a bhfuil a dtréimhse bharánta caite acu
● Saincheisteanna nach mbaineann le cáilíocht (tar éis 30 lá de cheannach)
● Táirgí saor in aisce
● Deisiúcháin trí 3ú páirtithe
● Damáiste ó fhoinsí seachtracha
● Damáiste ó mhí-úsáid táirgí (lena n-áirítear, ach gan a bheith teoranta do: titimí, teochtaí foircneacha, uisce, gléasanna oibriúcháin go míchuí)
● Ceannacháin ó athdhíoltóirí neamhúdaraithe
Ba chóir do chustaiméirí teagmháil le ár tacaíocht do chustaiméirí laistigh de 2 lá nuair a fuair siad earraí le haghaidh staid DOA.-Tá an táirge briste nó as cruth
1. Ríomhphost dúinn le pictiúir ceangailte de na míreanna / pacáiste a fuarthas agus faisnéis mhionsonraithe chun cur síos a dhéanamh ar an gceist.
2. Tar éis an fhaisnéis is gá a fhíorú, cuirfimid athsholáthar nó aisíoc iomlán a sholáthar, ag brath ar do riachtanas.
-Níl an táirge ag obair
1. Ríomhphost chugainn le pictiúir ceangailte de na míreanna / pacáiste / oibríocht / Seoladh físeán agus faisnéis mhionsonraithe chun cur síos a dhéanamh ar an eisiúint.
2. Tar éis an fhaisnéis is gá a fhíorú, cuirfimid athsholáthar nó aisíoc iomlán a sholáthar, ag brath ar do riachtanas. Items Ar iarraidh nuair a theacht ard
1. Seol ríomhphost chugainn le pictiúir de na míreanna/pacáiste faighte agus faisnéis mhionsonraithe chun cur síos a dhéanamh ar an gceist.
2. Tar éis an fhaisnéis riachtanach go léir a fhíorú, cuirfimid an mhír atá ar iarraidh den phacáiste chugat.
FAQS About GT5
Why do we recommend buying Fitvii GT5?
There are always good products out there, but finding them is hard.
We followed doctors' advice, designed Fitvii GT5, and achieved a technological breakthrough. So we are very confident in Fitvii GT5, but due to the suppression of large companies, it is difficult to expose it. If you see us, buy it, it will good for you.
Why GT5 watches are in short supply?
Materials and tight supply of Fitvii GT5 (GT2 has been discontinued), once sold out, supply will not be available for another two months. It won't be available for two months and prices may rise again. We may transfer goods from other warehouses, and the price may increase again. We may transfer goods from other warehouses.
Why we make the GT5 blood pressure watch?
Anyone over the age of 30 will face blood pressure problems.
We hope to develop a watch with thehighest cost performance that can be affordable by all people. FITVII GT5 breaks technical boundaries and iscost-effective. This Smartwatch Does is only a quarter of 95% for a Quarter of the Price of the Big Brands.
How many languages does the watch support?
🌐13 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, etc.)
What are the rules of cancelling orders
All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.
Teacht Nua Barr-HM38
Uaireadóir nua HM38 eisithe, atá 38% níos cruinne ná gnáth-uaireadóirí, lena n-áirítear monatóireacht brú fola.
Let customers speak for us
from 67755 reviewsI always wants to get a smartwatch for myself without pay too much. Thiswatch is so stunning. The screen is big enough for me to read theinformation. lt includes all the functions l really need such as calls,message, alarm, weather, tracking the fitness and sleeping. Overall this is avery good high quality smartwatch with a reasonable price. l love it andrecommend others to check it out.
Actually accurate step count, explanations of how much exercise you should do based on your recovery score. I love this band. The sleep information is priceless.
It looks very sophisticated and high tech. it‘s very convenient, I don’t have to go get my phone, I can check everything from the watch. It also helps me stay in shape by tracking my steps, my calories and my heart rate. I definitely recommend this, I don‘t regret buying this.
The watch is a great watch it work wonderful it keeps up with my blood pressure and my stress level it an all around wonderful watch I recommend guys to get this Watch if you have high blood pressure and also good for keeping up with me while I‘m in the gym working out battery life is OK and it was very easy to set up I stop using my Apple Watch
This smart watch is a sleek, feature-rich smartwatch that stands as a strong alternative to the Apple Watch. With vibrant display quality, robust health and fitness tracking (including heart rate, sleep, stress and SpO2), and a battery that can last up to a week. Easy to set up. Compatible with iOS, it offers flexibility outside the Apple ecosystem, and at a more budget-friendly price, it’s a great choice for those seeking value without sacrificing core smartwatch features. I recommend it !
I have been wearing the fitvii for close to 2 years and have been able to make adjustments according to the information it’s gathered. I don‘t have to wonder anymore if I slept ok, whether to rest or to get a workout in it‘s like my personal coach! I’m so thankful for fitvii!
This smart watch is a great all-rounder. It has a large, clear display. The call function is handy. Monitors heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep well.
I love my watch. I bought two, one gift for my cousin and one for myself. It has great features, and I am using it, for my different physical activities, such as exercise, dancing, etc.
The setting, like DND (on/off), Wake Gesture on/off is very easy to access,-by swiping down. When you lunch a workout, you can pause and resume in between by pressing the side button, and exit from it, by swiping left to right. Very easy to use and nice looks as well. Great watch for the price. Even people think I wear Apple Watch!
Second time repurchasing, I first bought a V101 and a V19 for my daughter and my mom respectively, they both liked it. Then my husband also wanted a V19, so I bought it again and was very satisfied.
I was looking for an easy-to-use heart rate monitor and this is exactly what I needed. App is easy to install and gives more information than I expected (using with iPhone). Watch is comfortable and accurate. Red Color choices are nice to have. I'm using it mostly as a heart rate monitor but also tracks other activities like counting steps.
Works better then any apple i ever bought. Great value,durability, and battery life is amazing. Easy to set up. Looks good and the Heart rate monitoring is exactly ?? to doctors.
For the price I wasn’t expecting much but boy this watch blew me away. Connects well to my phone for text and calls. Can speak into it instead of your phone. Battery life is sick , last 5 days for me. Don‘t use exercise features which may use more batteries, overall great value. No way I’m paying $300 or more for Apple Watch cause thus is all I need. blood pressure and heart rate reading is accurate. I love everything about it .
This Smart Watch is making waves as a must-have gadget, so I wanted to check it out. I am impressed. With its sleek design and array of features, it's leading the pack regarding smartphones. I appreciate its GPS and multiple sports modes, making it a versatile companion for daily life and fitness. It's an intelligent choice that allows me to stay connected and healthy on the go.
This smartwatch delivers a robust experience similar to Android smartwatches, with features like customizable watch faces, fitness tracking, heart rate monitoring, and seamless app integration. It supports notifications, calls, and messages, making it a handy extension of your phone. The interface is intuitive, and it syncs easily with Android devices for smooth connectivity. Battery life is decent, typically lasting a full day with moderate use. Overall, it's a solid choice for those seeking a functional, budget-friendly smartwatch with essential Android-like features.
The blood pressure and blood O2 readings are accurate. But blood pressure need to calibrate before using it.