Fitvii slim водоустойчив тракер на кръвното налягане-подарък за жени
Fitvii slim водоустойчив тракер на кръвното налягане-подарък за жени
Наличността за вземане не можа да се зареди
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-Не само HM08


Какво представляват функциите на HM08?

Получавайте известия за входящи повиквания, текстови известия и други APP съобщения, като SMS, SNS, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram и други приложения. Не се притеснявайте, че ще пропуснете важни съобщения от социалните приложения.

HM08 записва и предсказва женския менструален цикъл и изпраща интелигентни напомняния за известия със системата за проследяване на женски цикъл. Функцията може да се използва като своевременно напомняне за различните физиологични състояния на потребителя, това е най-добре обгрижваната жена.

Всички функции
Денонощно наблюдение на HR
- 24/7 мониторинг на кръвното налягане
- Наблюдение на SPO2
- Наблюдение на съня
- 7 Спортни режима
- Водоустойчив IP68
- Напомняне за женско здраве
- Управление на музиката
- Направи си сам циферблат
- Дистанционна камера
- Ежедневно проследяване на активността (крачки, разстояние и изгорени калории)
- Обадете се, изпратете SMS & известия за приложения и информация за магазина
- Регулиране на яркостта
- Напомняне за заседналия живот
- Отброяване & хронометър
- Аларми
- Направи си сам циферблат
- Осветете екрана, като завъртите китката си
- Не безпокойте
- Намиране на устройство
- Намиране на телефон
- Време в реално време
- Факел
- Пестете енергия
- Режим на семеен акаунт
- Imperial & Настройки на показателя
- Осветете екрана, като завъртите китката си
Модел | HM08 | |
Размер на екрана | 1,47 инча | |
Тегло на продукта | 1,76oz(50g) | |
Батерии | Необходима е 1 литиево-йонна батерия. (включен) | |
Водоустойчивост |
IP68 |
Резолюция | 170*320 | |
Живот на батерията | 7-10 дни | |
Време за зареждане | Около 2 часа | |
Начин на зареждане | Магнитна стойка за зареждане | |
Поддръжка | Android 5.0 & iOS 10 и по-нови, несъвместими с компютър, iPad или таблет. | |
11 езика |
Пакетът включва
- 1*HM08 Smartwatch
- 1*HM08 Зарядно устройство
- 1*HM08 Протектор за екран
- 1*HM08 Ръководство за потребителя
- Ние наистина вярваме, че предлагаме някои от най-иновативните продукти в света и искаме да сме сигурни, че подкрепяме това с безрискова желязна 90-дневна гаранция.
- Имаме поддръжка по имейл. Моля, свържете се с нас, ако имате нужда от помощ.
Customer Reviews
Given as a Christmas gift
I can charge the Watch but as son as unpluged it, it does not work.
Hi, sorry, but I didn't get exactly what I ordered. I still wait to get the strap you promised to deliver me. Only then I will start to use it. For now I'm not sure that the strap will solve my problem, because the frame of the watch is silver, not the color I ordered. I think that the new strap that I didn't get yet, won't fit the silver color I have. So I paid for a watch you promised to deliver, but you didn't.
I was looking for an easy-to-use heart rate monitor and this is exactly what I needed. App is easy to install and gives more information than I expected (using with iPhone). Watch is comfortable and accurate. Red Color choices are nice to have. I'm using it mostly as a heart rate monitor but also tracks other activities like counting steps.
Just realized my watch is an older model so I upgraded to the V19PRO. It works as advertised and has EKG and temperature features. This is a great deal for me and would highly recommend to friends.

Why do we recommend buying Fitvii GT5 pro?
There are always good products out there, but finding them is hard.
We followed doctors' advice, designed Fitvii GT5 pro, and achieved a technological breakthrough. So we are very confident in Fitvii GT5 pro, but due to the suppression of large companies, it is difficult to expose it. If you see us and have it, the gt5pro will good for you.
Why GT5 pro watches are in short supply?
The lack of Fitvii GT5 pro fully automatic continuous monitoring chips has caused a shortage of supply, which is why there are few watches on the market that fully automatically and continuously monitor all health indicators. Once Fitvii GT5 PRO is sold out, it will be out of stock for two months. If it is available again, its price will increase.
Why can Fitvii GT5 pro be purchased with confidence?
1. All-in-one health watch, health data calibration before use provides 50% accuracy.
1. Tens of thousands of "verified" reviews from real users.
2. Four-star praise from the third-party authoritative "trustpilot" website, while peers only get 1.5 stars.
3. 30-day refund service, 180-day repair service.
Why we make the GT5 blood pressure watch?
People over 30 years old face blood pressure problems. We wanted to develop a watch that was the most cost-effective and affordable for everyone. FITVII GT5 breaks technical boundaries and is highly cost-effective. The price of this smart watch is only a quarter of the price of big brand watches, and its performance is as high as 95%.
How many languages does the watch support?
🌐13 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, etc.)
Which countries can you ship to?
We can ship to all countries except Russia, Belarus and Türkiye
30 Days Satisfaction Guarantee
To ensure that you get the maximum satisfaction from our products, the Fitvii team makes sure to test each product for quality assurance. Thus, we are confident that we offer the best and most innovative products just for you. To top that off, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee when you can try our products and see if it's for you.
If you are having any issues with our products, please reach out to us anytime. We have a team that will work with you to make sure that you are happy with your purchase.
We understand that buying online can sometimes be risky but with us you won't have to worry as we offer a zero-risk experience which means that if you don't like your purchase, we will make it right!
For any inquiries, please feel free to leave us a message. We have a dedicated team working 24/7 with our customers and whatever issues they may be having. We usually investigate a situation first before responding to give you a better solution so please allow up to 24 hours to hear back from