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HM19 Fitness & Health Tracker koos stressijuhtimise hingamistreeninguga magamismonitori jaoks

HM19 Fitness & Health Tracker koos stressijuhtimise hingamistreeninguga magamismonitori jaoks

Regular price $44.90 USD
Regular price $329.90 USD Sale price $44.90 USD
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Kui teil on unehäired, Uus täiustatud HM19 nutikell, mis lisab hingamistreeningu funktsiooni, mis aitab teil magada. Vaid mõne sekundiga sukeldub HM19 teid hingamisharjutustesse, mis on teie tervise parandamiseks kõige lihtsam viis.

Uuringud on tõestanud, et hingamisharjutused ei ole head mitte ainult kopsudele, vaid ka vaimule.

Tegutsege ja lisage oma kehale eelised!

  1. Dekompressioon, ärevusevastane toime ja aitab magada.
  2. Parandage mälu ja otsustusoskusi.
  3. Aitab leevendada kroonilist valu.
  4. Parandab südame ja kopsude tervist, parandab une kvaliteeti.

Sellel on kõige põhjalikum tervisliku une jälgimise süsteem. Sellega saate pärast hingamistreeningut kontrollida, kas teie une kvaliteet on paranenud. Mõistke tõeliselt oma uneharjumusi heaolu nimel. Uinakut saab hõlpsasti jälgida ka terve päeva, Jälgige vaikselt ja automaatselt oma une olekut ja unemustrit. See on võimeline jälgima kerget und, sügavat und reaalajas ja salvestab 7 päeva une rekordeid.

Pange tähele: HM19 müüakse praegu ainult platvormil Fitvii, faaskerant_1, teised mernochrant2 ja More-pro7. ]

Mis veel

Nutikell FitVII HM19 jälgib automaatselt reaalajas teie pulssi ja vererõhku, et aidata teil mõista oma füüsilist vormi. HM19 on täpse dünaamilise südame löögisageduse anduriga, mis mõõdab teie pulssi automaatselt iga 100 millisekundi järel ja laadib andmed automaatselt iga minuti järel rakendusse DA FIT.

24-tunnine automaatne vererõhu jälgimine seire ja andmete automaatne üleslaadimine rakendusse Da fit iga viie minuti järel.

Täiustatud andurite abil saab kell tuvastada teie vererõhku, salvestades samal ajal andmeid oma kaasrakenduses DA FIT (rakenduse allalaadimiseks skannige juhendis olev QR-kood), mis aitab teil keha muutusi paremini tunda. MÄRKUS, andmeid ei saa kasutada meditsiinilise testina.

VERE HAPNIKU KÜLLASTUSE MONITOR: HM19 abil saate mõõta oma vere hapnikuga küllastumist ja mõista oma füüsilist seisundit. Järgmistel rühmadel on soovitatav pöörata tähelepanu vere hapnikusisaldusele: kõrge intensiivsusega vaimsed töötajad, eakad, alpi/platookeskkonna hüpoksiaga inimesed, norskavad inimesed.

 Kui ühendate HM19 nutikellad rakendusega APP, saate teie teavet nutikelladel sünkroonselt kuvada, nagu sissetulevad kõned, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Line, SKype, Gmail jne. kunagi ei jäta olulisi uudiseid vahele.

GPS ja näete olekut ja marsruuti reaalajas. Vajutage lihtsalt tundlikku nuppu, et jälgida reaalajas oma pulsisagedust, samme, vahemaad ja põletatud kaloreid aktsiiside tegemisel. Lihtne oma eesmärke saavutada.

Ülisuure 1,32-tollise ekraaniga ja ainulaadsete mängudega saate nii teie kui ka teie lapsed kellast rõõmu tunda. Pange tähele: mängu läbiviimine on veidi keeruline, peate kannatlikult mängima.

See juhtmevaba laadija, 200 mAh liitiumpolümeeraku, ainult 2h laadimisega tervisekellad tagavad teile professionaalsed isiklikud tervisekonsultandid ja andmete salvestamise kauemaks kui 7 päevaks, ooteaeg võib ulatuda üle 20 päeva.

Kõik funktsioonid 

  • Hingamistreening
  • 24/7 pulsi jälgimine
  • 24/7 vererõhu jälgimine
  • Ööpäevaringne vere hapnikusisalduse jälgimine
  • 15 spordirežiimi
  • Täpne unetuvastus
  • Igapäevase aktiivsuse jälgimine (sammud, vahemaa, kalorid)
  • DIY pind
  • Äratuskell
  • Tagasiloendus
  • Stopper
  • Teabe meeldetuletus
  • Energiasäästurežiim
  • 10-tasemeline heleduse reguleerimine
  • Muusika juhtimine
  • Mitte segada režiim
  • Lukustuskuva
  • Otsige nutikell
  • Kaamera juhtimine
  • Teatrirežiim
  • Võrguühenduseta mäng
  • Ekraani heledamaks muutmiseks pöörake randmest

    märkus:  (pole ette nähtud ühegi haigusseisundi diagnoosimiseks ega raviks ning sellele ei tohiks meditsiinilistel eesmärkidel tugineda)

    Paketite nimekirjad

    • 1*HM19 nutikell
    • 1* HM19 laadija
    • 1*HM19 Kasutusjuhend


    • Usume tõeliselt, et pakume mõnda maailma kõige uuenduslikumat toodet ja tahame tagada, et tagame selle riskivaba 90-päevase garantiiga.
    • Meil on meilitugi. Kui vajate abi, võtke meiega ühendust.

    Kas teile ei meeldi HM19?

    Erinevate kellamudelite funktsioonide järjestamise juhend✨, leidke endale sobivaim kell👏

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2981 reviews
    Thomas Mitchell

    Only works part time. Not worth the money.

    David Gantz
    Excellent health monitor

    The HM19 (available only from Fitvii directly) s a very good choice for those who want to carefully monitor heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, steps and sleep patterns. Monitoring all these functions seems generally accurate, although riding a bicycle may artificially inflate step counts. Notifications of incoming emails, text messages and calls is good, although they can't be answered from the watch. Charging is straight-forward and a full charge lasts five days or more. The "Da Fit" app is mostly intuitive; pairing is easy. Dozens of watch faces are available at no extra cost. The watch band is comfortable and well made, which fortunate since many standard 22mm bands do not fit. The biggest drawback is the number of specific exercise apps. Notwithstanding the website' s assertion of 15 customized exercise apps, my HM19 has only eight, including running, walking, cycling, skipping, badminton, basketball, football and yoga. Indoor actions such as indoor cycling, rowing machine, treadmill, etc. do not appear on my HM19. Some competitors at this price point, and the company's much less expensive H56, offer more choices. I haven't yet tried to use the GPS function so I don't know how well that works. Customer service is normally very responsiveresponsive.

    David Gantz
    Excellent health monitor

    The HM19 (available only from Fitvii directly) s a very good choice for those who want to carefully monitor heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, steps and sleep patterns. Monitoring all these functions seems generally accurate, although riding a bicycle may artificially inflate step counts. Notifications of incoming emails, text messages and calls is good, although they can't be answered from the watch. Charging is straight-forward and a full charge lasts five days or more. The "Da Fit" app is mostly intuitive; pairing is easy. Dozens of watch faces are available at no extra cost. The watch band is comfortable and well made, which fortunate since many standard 22mm bands do not fit. The biggest drawback is the number of specific exercise apps. Notwithstanding the website' s assertion of 15 customized exercise apps, my HM19 has only eight, including running, walking, cycling, skipping, badminton, basketball, football and yoga. Indoor actions such as indoor cycling, rowing machine, treadmill, etc. do not appear on my HM19. Some competitors at this price point, and the company's much less expensive H56, offer more choices. I haven't yet tried to use the GPS function so I don't know how well that works. Customer service is normally very responsiveresponsive.

    David Gantz
    Excellent health monitor

    The HM19 (available only from Fitvii directly) s a very good choice for those who want to carefully monitor heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, steps and sleep patterns. Monitoring all these functions seems generally accurate, although riding a bicycle may artificially inflate step counts. Notifications of incoming emails, text messages and calls is good, although they can't be answered from the watch. Charging is straight-forward and a full charge lasts five days or more. The "Da Fit" app is mostly intuitive; pairing is easy. Dozens of watch faces are available at no extra cost. The watch band is comfortable and well made, which fortunate since many standard 22mm bands do not fit. The biggest drawback is the number of specific exercise apps. Notwithstanding the website' s assertion of 15 customized exercise apps, my HM19 has only eight, including running, walking, cycling, skipping, badminton, basketball, football and yoga. Indoor actions such as indoor cycling, rowing machine, treadmill, etc. do not appear on my HM19. Some competitors at this price point, and the company's much less expensive H56, offer more choices. I haven't yet tried to use the GPS function so I don't know how well that works. Customer service is normally very responsiveresponsive.

    David Gantz
    Excellent health monitor

    The HM19 (available only from Fitvii directly) s a very good choice for those who want to carefully monitor heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, steps and sleep patterns. Monitoring all these functions seems generally accurate, although riding a bicycle may artificially inflate step counts. Notifications of incoming emails, text messages and calls is good, although they can't be answered from the watch. Charging is straight-forward and a full charge lasts five days or more. The "Da Fit" app is mostly intuitive; pairing is easy. Dozens of watch faces are available at no extra cost. The watch band is comfortable and well made, which fortunate since many standard 22mm bands do not fit. The biggest drawback is the number of specific exercise apps. Notwithstanding the website' s assertion of 15 customized exercise apps, my HM19 has only eight, including running, walking, cycling, skipping, badminton, basketball, football and yoga. Indoor actions such as indoor cycling, rowing machine, treadmill, etc. do not appear on my HM19. Some competitors at this price point, and the company's much less expensive H56, offer more choices. I haven't yet tried to use the GPS function so I don't know how well that works. Customer service is normally very responsiveresponsive.

    View full details


    30 Days Satisfaction Guarantee

    To ensure that you get the maximum satisfaction from our products, the Fitvii team makes sure to test each product for quality assurance. Thus, we are confident that we offer the best and most innovative products just for you. To top that off, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee when you can try our products and see if it's for you.

    If you are having any issues with our products, please reach out to us anytime. We have a team that will work with you to make sure that you are happy with your purchase.

    We understand that buying online can sometimes be risky but with us you won't have to worry as we offer a zero-risk experience which means that if you don't like your purchase, we will make it right!

    For any inquiries, please feel free to leave us a message. We have a dedicated team working 24/7 with our customers and whatever issues they may be having. We usually investigate a situation first before responding to give you a better solution so please allow up to 24 hours to hear back from us-fitviiglobal@gmail.com

    What is your return policy?

    We provide 30 days refund and 180 days repair service.

    What are the rules of cancelling orders?

    All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.

    Which countries can you ship to?

    We can ship to all countries except Russia, Belarus and Türkiye

    How many languages does the watch support?

    🌐14 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, عربي, etc.)