Tere tulemast Fitviisse!
Oleme pühendunud pakkuma oma klientidele uusimaid treeningujälgijaid ja nutikellasid. Me oleme jõudnud pika tee sellest ajast aastal 2018, nii et me teame täpselt. Millist suunda võtta, kui pakkuda teile kvaliteetseid, kuid eelarvesõbralikke tooteid. Vahepeal oleme alati. Pakkudes suurepärast klienditeenindust ja sõbralikku tuge.
Oleme olnud. Arsti nõuannete võtmine Projekteerida nutikas kellad, mis on kasulik alatervislikele inimestele ja tervislik. Koos üle 10,00000 Kliendid üle maailma ja kümneid tuhandeid 5-tärni kommentaare, inimesed, kes kannavad meie Gt5 Vererõhu kellad on õnnelik kogeda rõõmu tervise.
Meie filosoofia
Üks liikumispäev, seitse elujõuline päeva
Fitviis usume kindlalt, et järjepidev füüsiline aktiivsus on terviseeesmärkide saavutamise võti. Meie nimi annab soovi elu järele, mis on täis energiat, täitumist ja positiivsust iga päev. Ükskõik kas sa oled fitness entusiast või uustulnukas tervise maailmas, Fitvii on pühendunud oma igapäevast treeningut inspireerida ja aidata teil ehitada tervislikumat, rahuldavamat elu.
Meie tooted ja tehnoloogia
Võimsad omadused, tervishoid
Fitvii smartwatches ei ole lihtsalt moodsad aksessuaarid, nad on intelligentsed kaaslased üldise heaolu jaoks. Fitvii seeria nutikas fitness trackers integreerib täiustatud optilisi algoritme ja uuenduslikke tehnoloogiaid, et pakkuda teile valikutega võimsad omadused. Alates sammu loendamisest, kalorite jälgimisest ja une jälgimisest kuni kõne teated, teated, südame löögisageduse, vererõhu ja vere hapnikutaseme reaalajas jälgimine, Fitvii on ideaalne valik neile, kes armastavad treeninguid ja prioriteetse tervise.
Lõika-taga algoritmilise tugi ja täpsustatud andmete tõlgendamine
Fitviis oleme uhked tehnoloogilise tipptaseme üle. juhitud sõltumatu innovatsioon ja põhjalik andmeanalüüs meie meeskonna põhiinseneritest, kellest paljud on doktori tausta.
- Südame löögisageduse algoritm: Kasutades Photoplethysmograafia (PPG) meetodit, meie algoritm, põhineb optilisel mahtu impulss lainevormidel, täpselt mõõdab südame löögisagedust ja erinevaid olulisi bioloogilisi meetodeid.
- Unealgoritm: Gravitatsioonikiirenduse integreerimine PPG ja RRI andmetega; meie unealgoritm annab põhjaliku analüüsi kasutajate unetappidest, kohandada kohandatud ja ulatuslikke unetervise andmeid.
- Sammloenduse algoritm: Meie in-house arendas sammloenduse algoritm, millel on unikaalne filtreerimissüsteem ja häirete vastupidavus, saavutab täpsuse üle 95%, tagades täpse ja usaldusväärse jälgimise teie fitness reisile.
- AI-ECG: Meie Tehis intelligentse elektrokardiogrammi (AI-ECG) rakendus kasutab intelligentseid algoritme automaatseks tuvastamiseks, analüüsimiseks, ja diagnoosi. Edukalt treenitud miljoneid proovi andmeid, diagnostiline täpsus ületab 90%, südame tervisele.
Meie pühendumus tipptasemel tehnoloogiale meie optilise algoritmi põhimõte hõlmab LED roheline valgus sära naha ja lähedal veresooned. See ei aita mitte ainult koormuse avastamisel, vaid ka kohe tuvastab südame kõrvalekaldeid, käivitada õigeaegseid hoiatusi tervisele ja heaolule terviklikule lähenemisviisile.
Ühinege meiega teekonnal tervemaks homseks homseks.
Fitvii kutsub teid uurima imelist tervise teekonda koos. Valige meid tervikliku tervisejuhtimise lahenduseks, kus tervis muutub teie igapäevaelu lahutamatuks osaks kui põgenemiseks. Koos Fitvii kõrval, võtame omaks iga päev väljakutseid ja muudame tervist oma elus pidevaks!
On mingeid probleeme, võtke meiega ühendust:,
Liitute ka meie tasuta FB ühiskond, siin on meie toote jagamine ja kliendi eelistuste jagamine, Klõpsa siia
FAQS About GT5
Why do we recommend buying Fitvii GT5?
There are always good products out there, but finding them is hard.
We followed doctors' advice, designed Fitvii GT5, and achieved a technological breakthrough. So we are very confident in Fitvii GT5, but due to the suppression of large companies, it is difficult to expose it. If you see us, buy it, it will good for you.
Why GT5 watches are in short supply?
Materials and tight supply of Fitvii GT5 (GT2 has been discontinued), once sold out, supply will not be available for another two months. It won't be available for two months and prices may rise again. We may transfer goods from other warehouses, and the price may increase again. We may transfer goods from other warehouses.
Why we make the GT5 blood pressure watch?
Anyone over the age of 30 will face blood pressure problems.
We hope to develop a watch with thehighest cost performance that can be affordable by all people. FITVII GT5 breaks technical boundaries and iscost-effective. This Smartwatch Does is only a quarter of 95% for a Quarter of the Price of the Big Brands.
How many languages does the watch support?
🌐13 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, etc.)
What are the rules of cancelling orders
All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.
Upgrade GT5 Pro Powerful Smart Watch
New blood glucose, blood pressure, and ECG watch, data accuracy increased by 50%!
Let customers speak for us
from 67822 reviewsThe watch is a gift for my wife. She is very pleased with it. Hereby quoting her feedback below.
Pleasantly surprised when I received the watch. The dial is stylish and beautiful. The color and texture of the strap are very nice. The battery life of the exceptional, still 80% on the third day of use. It can also record blood oxygen, heart rate and exercise steps. It has complete functions. Very nice!
highly recommend this smartwatch to anyone who is looking for a combination of style and safety. The fall detection feature is a lifesaver.
This senior version of smart watch is use friendly. The battery life is very long (about a week) and essential function are included even the emergency call. The functions are all aligned with my Apple phone where one can get assess to all health inf. It also includes SPO2, BPM, steps, exercise, weather , etc. Excellent!
I just received my watch, I am thrilled to use it! Sleep tracking works, charges fast, easy to use. I went with black on black because I'm not a fan of silver, and I love the look/color. The watch face I selected is bright enough, but not overwhelming. Definitely seems like a great value for the money, but time will tell.
Update: 12/10/24- so I've had this watch for one month now and I absolutely love it. The only thing I would say that is negative about it, is it needs charged a lot... But other than that I am so happy with my purchase.
I bought this for my in-law. Setting it up is a breeze �C simply download the app and choose your preferred display language. Packed with fantastic features, my in-law particularly enjoys the heart-rate monitoring, blood sugar, blood pressure, medication reminders, and periodic prompts to stand up.
I've purchased this as a gift to my dad and he told me that he loves it. It's not too hard to use and good for checking his health status. Will recommend to others.
I recently purchased this watch for myself. It is a surprise for me that It is easy for me to read and navigate. It is good looking and lot of features. I especially love the heart rate and exercise steps measurements. I am now enjoying testing all functions and highly recommend to any other elder friends.
This watch is fancy! It has lots of features. First of all, it's very friendly for elders, it's easy reading and navigation. Secondly, it has the smart watch basic functions, like measure heart rate, record exercise...Thirdly, it has lots of features, such as clock, flashlight, games, music player, and weather. So much fun to wear this watch.
The watch does have fall detection. read blood pressure or have swimming as an activity. Highly recommended, it has everything I need.
2024 Newest Upgrade Fitvii® GT5Pro Max All In One AI Health Smartwatch With Sleep+BP+BG+HRV+ECG+PGG+SpO2+ SOS+Stress Monitoring Supports Voice Calls And Fitness Tracker + Free Watch Gift🎁
Too bad there aren’t more colors. Also I tried to order 2 and couldn’t find a way to do that
I bought this watch for my dad. I tried it on, it looks good. The monitoring features like walking steps, blood pressure, fall dection heart beat, blood oxygen and sleeping monitor are very useful for seniors.
Great product. Love our watches. Great customer service and Judy was awesome
Hi, sorry, but I didn't get exactly what I ordered. I still wait to get the strap you promised to deliver me. Only then I will start to use it. For now I'm not sure that the strap will solve my problem, because the frame of the watch is silver, not the color I ordered. I think that the new strap that I didn't get yet, won't fit the silver color I have. So I paid for a watch you promised to deliver, but you didn't.
Excellent product. Does all that was promised and more. Immediate setup, smooth connectivity.