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Ekraanikaitsega nutikell FitVII H86

Ekraanikaitsega nutikell FitVII H86

Regular price $49.90 USD
Regular price $99.90 USD Sale price $49.90 USD
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Põhjused sa armastad FITVII H86.

Ööpäevaringne pulsimonitor: täiustatud anduriga morePro treeningkell jälgib kogu päeva teie pulssi ja vererõhu monitori, mis aitab teil oma keha paremini mõista.

24/7 monitori vererõhku: täiustatud andurite abil suudab kell tuvastada teie vererõhku ja verehapnikku, salvestades samal ajal andmeid oma kaasrakenduses Fit CloudPro, mis aitab teil oma kehamuutusi paremini tunda.

Une jälgimine & Uneanalüüs: jälgige oma uneaega valguse, sügava ja ärkveloleku ajal, saate tõeliselt mõista oma uneharjumusi heaolu tagamiseks.

Saate märguandeid sissetulevate kõnede, tekstimärguannete ja muude APP sõnumite kohta, nagu SMS, SNS, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Instagram ja muud rakendused. Ärge muretsege selle pärast, et sotsiaalrakendustest jäävad olulised sõnumid ilma.

Naiste menstruatsiooni perioodi meeldetuletus ja raseduse planeerimine
Seda funktsiooni saab kasutada õigeaegse meeldetuletusena kasutaja erinevatest füsioloogilistest seisunditest, see on naiste jaoks parim hooldus.

Aktiivsusjälgija kellad toetavad 8 treeningu jälgimist sammude, põletatud kalorite ja vahemaaga. Ühendage oma telefoni GPS-iga, et näha reaalajas treeningstatistikat, isegi marsruudi kaarti; Saate seada oma väljakutse eesmärgid, mis aitavad teil rohkem liikuda.

Ise ise käekella sihverplaate kohandada, See nutikella treeningu jälgija pakub teile palju saadaolevaid kellasinte, mis vastavad teie igapäevastele vajadustele. Samuti saate määrata kella sihverplaadile oma lemmikfotod, näiteks fotod oma perekonnast, sõpradest või lemmikloomadest.

Kõik omadused

  • 24/7 HR seirel
  • 24/7 Vererõhu jälgimine
  • Unejälgimine
  • 8 Spordirežiimid
  • IP68 Veekindel
  • Naiste tervise meeldetuletus
  • Muusika juhtimine
  • DIY Vaata nägu.
  • KaugkaameraName
  • Päevase tegevuse jälgimine (sammud, vahemaa, ja kalorid põletatud)
  • Helista, teksti ja rakenduse teated & Salvesta teavet
  • Heleduse kohandamine
  • Sedentaar meeldetuletus
  • Loend ja stopperkell
  • Häired
  • Valgustada ekraani pöörates oma randmet
  • Mitte häirida.
  • Otsi seade
  • Telefoni otsine
  • Reaalajas ilm
  • Tõrv
  • Salvesta võimsust
  • Perekonnakonto režiim
  • Impeeriumi ja meetri seadistused
  • Valgustada ekraani pöörates oma randmet


Näidis H86.
Ekraani suurus 1,57 tollit
Toote mass 1,76oz(50g)
Patareid 1 Liitium-ioon aku on vajalik. (Kaasa arvatud)
Sobiv randme ümbermõõt 145–205 mm
Aku kasutusaeg 7-15 päeva
Laadimisaeg Umbes 2 tundi
Laadimismeetod Magnetlaadimispank
Pakendi nimekiri Katse korpus (sealhulgas standard rihm) / Laadimisbaas / Juhend / ekraani kaitse
11 keelet
Hiina, inglise, jaapani, saksa, hispaania, itaalia, prantsuse, portugali, poola, araabia

Pakett sisaldab

  • 1*H86 nutikell
  • 1*H86 laadija
  • 1*H86. Ekraani kaitse
  • 1*H86 kasutaja käsiraamat

Customer Reviews

Based on 2373 reviews
Todd Salvati

but after using it I discovered I really don't need it, the functions I need I already have from a free appon my phone.

Debby B

I love everything about this tracker. Most important it is accurate at counting steps. It has multiple watch faces to choose from or you can use your own photo. The magnetic charging is great. The best tracker I have owned.

richard onustock

Well I just opened the box and scanned the code to activate the watch but first it made me go through activating the warranty and they offered me a free gift for this review. Honestly can't tell you much about it yet as it isn't even charged but I'll try to remember to return and give a better review once I get to try the product. I'll say for now that it looks jist like the picture. But that's about all I know right now.

Tan, H.

I have been using the Mi Band 4 for a while, but wanted something with better looks and similar functionalities.This watch satisfies both. I got the pink one, which looks like the Apple Watch color wise. It has all the functions the Mi Band 4 has, but the UI certainly needs sometime to get used to, also it needs its own app to better keep track of the activities history.One thing to note is that the battery does not last 14 days, it's more like 7 days, but considering the large screen, it's somewhat understandable.


I absolutely love this watch! I got it in black to be safe in case I didn??t like it I would give it to my husband but I loved it so much I ended up keeping it for myself lol. The band is super easy to remove and replace it with a different color so that??s a plus. The app is simple enough to use and tracks everything I need. I also love the look of the watch. Very happy!

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30 Days Satisfaction Guarantee

To ensure that you get the maximum satisfaction from our products, the Fitvii team makes sure to test each product for quality assurance. Thus, we are confident that we offer the best and most innovative products just for you. To top that off, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee when you can try our products and see if it's for you.

If you are having any issues with our products, please reach out to us anytime. We have a team that will work with you to make sure that you are happy with your purchase.

We understand that buying online can sometimes be risky but with us you won't have to worry as we offer a zero-risk experience which means that if you don't like your purchase, we will make it right!

For any inquiries, please feel free to leave us a message. We have a dedicated team working 24/7 with our customers and whatever issues they may be having. We usually investigate a situation first before responding to give you a better solution so please allow up to 24 hours to hear back from us-fitviiglobal@gmail.com

What is your return policy?

We provide 30 days refund and 180 days repair service.

What are the rules of cancelling orders?

All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.

Which countries can you ship to?

We can ship to all countries except Russia, Belarus and Türkiye

How many languages does the watch support?

🌐14 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, عربي, etc.)