Uus Fitvii™Tugev HM38 Health Smartwatch koos 38% rohkem andmete täpsust
Uus Fitvii™Tugev HM38 Health Smartwatch koos 38% rohkem andmete täpsust
HM38 Hoolitseb tervise ja tagades kvaliteedi kella, me ei unusta parandada keha näitajad, mis on 38% täpsem kui tavalised kellad, sealhulgas vererõhu jälgimine.
Lõpeta igavik nende jaoks.
Abiga freesimismasinad, millel on kiire lõikamisvõime, me toodame nutikad kellad
Koht on valmistatud kõrgeima kvaliteediga anodiseeritud metallist, mis on mõeldud eluaegseks kaaslaseks.
Kell, mis on ehitatud kestma - võrreldamatu pikaealisusega.
Korrosioonikindlus on täiuslik ja lame ekraan kaitseb vibratsioonide eest.
Revolutsioon oma päeva.
Õhukindel veekindel ja madala temperatuuriga vastupidav (üleval kuni -70°) HM38 väljakutseb kõige karmima keskkonda.
Teie kohta olulise teabe edastamise tingimused.
Tehnoloogia ja funktsionaalsuse parem
Ultra-ruseline metallkorpus, terav AMOLED ekraan, kõrge kvaliteet. Bluetooth telefoni funktsionaalsus, täpsed andurid, ideaalne nutikakell. Ideaalne kasutajatele, kellel on ranged nõuded stiili ja multifunktsionaalsus.
Muud funktsioonid
Milline on sulle õige?
MUU: Odavalt tehtud 8 pausi kiirelt
GOLIAT: Ideaalne valik nõudlikele kasutajatele, kes otsivad ülimat
Seadke tugevus ja vastupidavus.
Kõik omadused
- Bluetoothi kõne
- 24/ 7 Südame löögisageduse jälgimine
- HR meeldetuletus
- Vererõhu jälgimine
- 24/7 Une jälgimine
- Vere hapniku jälgimine
- Rõhukatsed
- Hingamiskoolis
- Taimer
- Ilma meeldetuletus
- IP67 Veekindel
- 20 spordiliiki
- Päevase tegevuse jälgimine (sammud, vahemaa, ja kalorid põletatud)
- Helista, teksti ja rakenduse teated & Salvesta teavet
- KaugkaameraName
- Heleduse kohandamine
- Sedentaar meeldetuletus
- Loend ja stopperkell
- Häired
- Valgustada ekraani pöörates oma randmet
- Mitte häirida.
- Otsi seade
- Telefoni otsine
- Salvesta võimsust
- Impeeriumi ja meetri seadistused
- Valgustada ekraani pöörates oma randmet
- 1*HM38 Smartwatchi
- 1*HM38 laadija
- 1* HM38 kasutaja käsiraamat
Me tõesti usume, et meil on mõned uuenduslikumad tooted maailmas, ja me tahame kindel olla kindel, et me toetame seda riskivaba raudteega 180-päevane garantii.
Meil on e-posti tugi: Fitviisns@gmail.com. . Palun võtke meiega ühendust, kui vajate abi.
This watch is lightweight. Although it looks bulky, it is really practical. Every function can be easily accessed and checked on the watch, which makes it much better than other watches.
It feels really smooth to use, I really like this watch.
The watch is very suitable for men to wear, making it the best choice to buy for my husband.
very comfortable to wear.
The texture of this watch is the best among all the watches I've ever worn.
30 Days Satisfaction Guarantee
To ensure that you get the maximum satisfaction from our products, the Fitvii team makes sure to test each product for quality assurance. Thus, we are confident that we offer the best and most innovative products just for you. To top that off, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee when you can try our products and see if it's for you.
If you are having any issues with our products, please reach out to us anytime. We have a team that will work with you to make sure that you are happy with your purchase.
We understand that buying online can sometimes be risky but with us you won't have to worry as we offer a zero-risk experience which means that if you don't like your purchase, we will make it right!
For any inquiries, please feel free to leave us a message. We have a dedicated team working 24/7 with our customers and whatever issues they may be having. We usually investigate a situation first before responding to give you a better solution so please allow up to 24 hours to hear back from us-fitviiglobal@gmail.com
What is your return policy?
We provide 30 days refund and 180 days repair service.
What are the rules of cancelling orders?
All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.
Which countries can you ship to?
We can ship to all countries except Russia, Belarus and Türkiye
How many languages does the watch support?
🌐13 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, etc.)
Why GT5 watches are in short supply?
The lack of Fitvii GT5 fully automatic continuous monitoring chips has caused a shortage of supply, which is why there are few watches on the market that fully automatically and continuously monitor all health indicators. Once Fitvii GT5 PRO is sold out, it will be out of stock for two months. If it is available again, its price will increase.