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FitVII X7 vererõhumõõtja nutikell Bluetoothi helistamise ja tervisehaldusega

FitVII X7 vererõhumõõtja nutikell Bluetoothi helistamise ja tervisehaldusega

Regular price $64.90 USD
Regular price $224.90 USD Sale price $64.90 USD
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X7 on FitVII kõige kuluefektiivsem käekell, millel on Bluetoothi sissehelistamis- ja helistamisfunktsioonid, terviseseire ja sportimisrežiimid. Sellest on saanud üks populaarsemaid nutikella kingitusi.

Moodsad andurid,

Mõõtke oma vererõhku, verehapnikku ja vererõhku. See on hämmastav uuendus. X7 suurepärased andurid ja rakendused võimaldavad teil ööpäevaringselt mõõta täpseid vererõhu-, verehapniku- ja vererõhunäite.

Sellel on põhjalik stressiväärtuse test, mis on 1-minutiline HRV-testi arvutus, mis jälgib kogu aeg meie vaimset pingeseisundit, et saaksime paremini kasutada aktiivse puhkuse meetodeid ja lasta kehal jälgimisest taastuda.

X7 salvestab ja ennustab naiste menstruaaltsüklit ning saadab naiste menstruatsiooni jälgimise süsteemiga nutikate märguannete meeldetuletusi. Seda funktsiooni saab kasutada kasutaja erinevate füsioloogiliste seisundite õigeaegse meeldetuletusena, see on naistele kõige paremini hoolitsetud.

Rohkem ühendatud,

Maalt väljas, mitte kontaktist väljas. Rahvusvahelise rändluse abil10 saate helistada, saata tekstsõnumeid, voogesitada muusikat ja saada hädaolukorras abi paljudes kohtades, kuhu teie reisid teid viivad.

Sajad kella sihverplaadid,

Valige oma stiil. Saate isegi kohandada oma kella sihverplaati komplikatsioonidega, mis on kohandatud teie jaoks iganes. Ja Nike näod on kõigile kättesaadavad.

Kohandage oma treeninguid.

40+ spordirežiimi, et kohandada töö- ja taastumisintervalle vastavalt oma treeningstiilile. Saate teavet tempo, sammude, kalorite ja pulsisageduse kohta, mida kujundate teie. See kujundab sind.

IP6X sertifikaat,

 Põhineb  IP68 veekindlal standardilja seda saab kasutada__,_,01]2 külmdušš jne
Keelatud: kasutamine kuumas vees vannis, sukeldumisel ja muudes stseenides

Aku kohta

Kõik funktsioonid 

  • Stressi juhtimine
  • Naiste tervisejuhtimine
  • Täpne une jälgimine
  • DIY pind
  • Bluetoothi kõne
  • Ööpäevaringne pulsisageduse jälgimine
  • 24/7 vererõhu jälgimine
  • Vere hapnikusisalduse jälgimine
  • 30 spordirežiimi(jooksmine, kõndimine, jalgrattasõit, hingamistreening, HIIT, plank, köie hüppamine, jooga, mägironimine, matkamine, ellipical, spinning, stepper masin, korvpall, tennis, sulgpall, jalgpall, pesapall, ragbi)
  • Igapäevase aktiivsuse jälgimine (sammud, vahemaa, kalorid)
  • Äratuskell
  • Tagasiloendus
  • Stopper
  • Teabemeeldetuletus
  • Energiasäästurežiim
  • Muusika juhtimine
  • Mitte segada režiim
  • Lukustuskuva
  • Leia telefon
  • Ekraani sisselülitamiseks tõstke randme üles

Paketite nimekirjad

  • 1*X7 nutikell
  • 1*X7 laadija
  • 1*X7 kasutusjuhend


  • Usume tõesti, et pakume mõnda maailma kõige uuenduslikumat toodet ja tahame tagada, et tagame selle riskivaba 90-päevase garantiiga.
  • Meil on meilitugi. Kui vajate abi, võtke meiega ühendust.

Ei meeldi X7?

Customer Reviews

Based on 3548 reviews
Todd Alexander
First smartwatch

For my first smartwatch it has been good I do wish it had some additional options but for what I paid I like it. The app for the phone does seem to run the battery on the phone down pretty fast, maybe this is common for phone apps being my first watch I am not sure

Awesome features

I absolutely love my new smart watch. Most people look at it and they think it is a major name brand smart watch. It has all the functions of the expensive brand just not the price tag.

Connect it through the app

I'll be honest, i was initially having issues connecting to my phone but once i reached out to support they explained that you are suppose to connect it through the app and not through your bluetooth directly. Once i did this, it was a breeze and super easy to use. Make sure you read the setup instructions, it is way easier to setup once you know what you are doing.

Phone finding watch is fabulous and functional

This is the greatest thing I didn't think I needed. Didn't even think I wanted one frankly.
If it did nothing else this watch has found my phone for me at least twice a week. That may sound ridiculous but I have a black phone and I lose it constantly. I can admit it took me a few weeks to remember I can use it to do just that. Now I use it a couple times a day to find it and it saves me literally hours of frustration.
As for the other functions, yeah, they rock too.
For instance I love proving which people make my blood pressure go up. Knowing the time, crazy thing for a watch to do but it's nice to have so handy.
Very cool that it has a water shake out function since I keep sweating like crazy when using it.
The only thing I don't love is the lack of list of the icons preloaded and what they do. Some look similar and I may still not know what all it can do.
I have a tiny wrist so it's huge and basically covers my entire arm.
Due to it's sensitive nature I had to quit wearing it to track my sleep. Every time the screen touched something because I moved it lit up and that woke me up.
Which reminds me like the faux flashlight feature which is just white screen too. Not so bright to disturb anyone but enough light to see a bit.
I am an android user.


It looks very pretty and a perfect size for my waist as well. This smart watch has so many useful healthy tracking functions. It is easy to use and to pair with either Android or iPhone. Also, It is very light weight and comfortable to wear. Good gift choice for family or friends

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30 Days Satisfaction Guarantee

To ensure that you get the maximum satisfaction from our products, the Fitvii team makes sure to test each product for quality assurance. Thus, we are confident that we offer the best and most innovative products just for you. To top that off, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee when you can try our products and see if it's for you.

If you are having any issues with our products, please reach out to us anytime. We have a team that will work with you to make sure that you are happy with your purchase.

We understand that buying online can sometimes be risky but with us you won't have to worry as we offer a zero-risk experience which means that if you don't like your purchase, we will make it right!

For any inquiries, please feel free to leave us a message. We have a dedicated team working 24/7 with our customers and whatever issues they may be having. We usually investigate a situation first before responding to give you a better solution so please allow up to 24 hours to hear back from us-fitviiglobal@gmail.com

What is your return policy?

We provide 30 days refund and 180 days repair service.

What are the rules of cancelling orders?

All orders can be canceled for free within 24 hours. Since the credit card platform charges fees, a handling fee equivalent to 10% of the product price will be charged. Please consider your purchase carefully to avoid cancellation fees.

Which countries can you ship to?

We can ship to all countries except Russia, Belarus and Türkiye

How many languages does the watch support?

🌐14 languages (English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, 日本語, 한국인, عربي, etc.)