GT3 Smartwatch Bluetooth-vokoj + Monitorado de Sangopremo
GT3 Smartwatch Bluetooth-vokoj + Monitorado de Sangopremo
I've been adjusting to sleeping with this on and it's going well. I like knowing how much sleep I actually get each night.The battery life is great, considering I can also read texts on it.
The product measures what it is supposed to. The band is awful. Makes no sense why anyone would make a band so difficult to fasten.
i like it
I pre-ordered the Halo View as a replacement for a long lost fit bit and when it arrived I was excited. However after setting it up there are two things I've noticed:The step counter is *very* sensitive as in if you jostle your arm slightly while at rest it assumes you're walking and will count that as a step. Hopefully that will be addressed in a future update.Secondly, the BPM sensor will not read through dark tattoos. I have a half sleeve on my left arm and the heart rate was reading as --/?? 90? of the time and when it was reading it said it was an astronomical number even at rest (115+ BPM). I fixed the issue by switching to my other wrist but I still find it weird that Amazon didn't think of that when designing this.Other than that it does a fairly good job of tracking sleep and calories burnt but it's not something I'd suggest for someone who tracks their data to the letter.
I dont sleep 8 hours straight. I havent for years. I sleep aroind 6 hours, then maybe 2 hours halfway through the day. Thos tracks a solid 8 hour schedule and then counts your 2 hour nap as senditary. So I constantly show as having poor sleep and excess sedentary time. Its alightly annoying not beong able to set a sleep schedule on my schedule. Otherwise, I really like the watch.
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