FitVII® Fall Detection Watch With Blood Glucose+Blood Presssure Monitoring-🎁Free Nexa Watch
FitVII® Fall Detection Watch With Blood Glucose+Blood Presssure Monitoring-🎁Free Nexa Watch
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Upgraded All-in-One Smartwatch
▷ PulseMax ◁
The PulseMax Smartwatch, the latest upgrade to the bestselling ElectroPulse, retains the advanced AI algorithms and precise sensors of its predecessor while enhancing glucose accuracy and adding life-saving features such as fall detection and emergency calling. With further improved performance, it provides 24/7 protection for your health and well-being!
The Best Non-Invasive Glucose Watch
PulseMax utilizes the world's most advanced 5th-generation non-invasive laser glucose technology. Unlike traditional glucose meters that require blood samples for monitoring, PulseMax relies on high-performance optical sensors to penetrate the skin up to 6.5mm beneath the surface, providing non-invasive blood glucose monitoring.While the non-invasive glucose monitoring of the watch may not fully replace medical-grade blood tests, multiple testing agencies have shown that PulseMax is currently the best-performing non-invasive glucose watch on the market, capable of meeting most users' blood glucose monitoring needs.
24/7 Blood Pressure & SpO2 Tracking
Maintaining healthy blood pressure is crucial for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and preventing heart-related diseases. The PulseMax smartwatch allows you to monitor your blood pressure (SBP/DBP) anytime, anywhere, with historical data recorded in the app. It is especially beneficial for individuals with hypertension, cardiovascular conditions, and older adults, helping to detect and alert them to potential health issues.Additionally, PulseMax is equipped with an independent blood oxygen sensor that uses nano-level infrared light to measure blood oxygen saturation (SpO2). This safe and non-invasive feature is vital for the early detection of respiratory, cardiovascular diseases, and anemia.
Guardian of Heart Health
The ECG and heart rate are vital indicators of heart health, playing a crucial role in preventing and diagnosing arrhythmias, heart diseases, and monitoring overall cardiac health.
PulseMax leverages advanced ECG sensors and unique health algorithms, allowing you to view ECG and heart rate data by simply placing your hand on the metal detection surface of the watch for about 20 seconds.
View your measured ECG reports in the "Joeme Fit" app, where you can analyze sinus rhythm through heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), ECG trends, and scientifically assess the risk of myocarditis, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, and more.
Fall Detection & SOS Call
Each year, approximately 680,000 people worldwide die due to falls, making falls the leading cause of accidental death among the elderly. PulseMax features a newly integrated, precise fall sensor that automatically contacts your pre-set emergency contact 10 seconds after detecting a fall or collision, significantly reducing the risk associated with delayed medical attention.
Stress & Blood Analysis
PulseMax utilizes laser detection technology to effectively assess uric acid (umol/L) and blood lipid (mmol/L) levels, aiding in the early detection and treatment of conditions like gout and arthritis; Additionally, the watch monitors daily pulse and heart rate data to provide a comprehensive stress index, supporting you in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Scientific Workout Partner
PulseMax has expanded its range of exercise modes from the 10 modes offered by ElectroPulse to 52 modes, including running, cycling, and more. It accurately tracks your steps, distance, and calories burned during workouts, helping you improve exercise efficiency.
The watch also monitors Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) levels during various activities, promoting healthier and more scientifically grounded exercise routines.
Health Sleep Assistant
PulseMax helps monitor your sleep by tracking metrics such as duration, breathing rate, and wake-up frequency. It differentiates between light and deep sleep stages, assisting you in improving sleep habits and enhancing sleep quality. This feature effectively supports addressing issues like insomnia and sleep apnea.
Bluetooth Calls & Notifications
Once connected to your phone via Bluetooth, the watch allows you to make and receive calls and receive SMS and social media notifications, ensuring you never miss important messages.
Comfortable Wear & Waterproof Design
The watch retains a classic square contour with rounded edges, paired with various flexible straps for an extremely comfortable wearing experience. It's suitable for all users, especially the elderly, for all-day wear. The IP67 waterproof rating also meets most daily waterproofing needs.
Customize Your Watch Face Style
PulseMax Smartwatch Packaging
Why Choose PulseMax Now?
① The latest upgraded version of ElectroPulse.
② The newest all-in-one smartwatch.
④ 30-day money-back guarantee.
③ 180-day product warranty.
PulseMax All Features: |
✅Blood Glucose | ✅Heart Rate |
✅Blood Pressure | ✅Blood Oxygen |
✅Electrocardiogram (ECG) | ✅HRV Report |
✅Fall Detection | ✅Emergency SOS |
✅Uric Acid | ✅Blood Lipids |
✅Body Composition | ✅MET |
✅Heart Rate Alerts | ✅Pressure |
✅Body Temperature | ✅Sleep |
✅Breath Training | ✅Weather |
✅52 Sport Modes | ✅Remote Photography |
✅Bluetooth Calling | ✅Bluetooth Music |
✅Call Alerts | ✅Message Alerts |
✅IP67 Waterproof | ✅Alarm Clock |
✅Custom Watch Faces | ✅Stopwatch |
✅Timer | ✅Calculator |
✅Pedometer | ✅Calories |
✅Sedentary Reminder | ✅Raise to Wake |
✅Female Cycle Tracking | ✅Mini Games |
✅Voice Assistant | ✅Find Phone |
PulseMax App: "Joeme Fit"(Download from the App Store or scan the watch and manual) |
This is the best watch ever! It does everything throw that Apple Watch away! These are the stats you need to pay attention too!
I purchased this motion sensor because my mother is 85 and has dementia. This sensor watch is a life saver. When my mom falls, the watch quickly goes into communication mode to notify me, which gives me peace of mind.
highly recommend this smartwatch to anyone who is looking for a combination of style and safety. The fall detection feature is a lifesaver.
I recently purchased this watch for myself. It is a surprise for me that It is easy for me to read and navigate. It is good looking and lot of features. I especially love the heart rate and exercise steps measurements. I am now enjoying testing all functions and highly recommend to any other elder friends.
I recently purchased this for my father, and it has been a delightful surprise! The touch screen functionality is reminiscent of the Apple watch, but my father actually prefers it over the Apple watch. We've been using it for nearly a month now, exploring various functions such as blood pressure, blood oxygen, sleep tracking, etc. The readings were accurate when compared with a blood pressure monitor, oximeter, and CPAP machine. While we haven't tested the fall detection feature yet, we're planning to give it a try soon and will provide an update. Overall, I highly recommend this product!

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30 tagoj garantia
Por certigi, ke vi ricevu la maksimuman kontentaĵon de niaj produktoj, la Fitvii teamo certigas testi ĉiun produkton por kvalido. Do ni estas konfidantaj, ke ni oferas la plej bonajn kaj plej novajn produktojn nur por vi. Por tio, ni proponas 30-tagan kontentan garantion kiam vi povas provi niajn produktojn kaj vidu, ĉu ĝi estas por vi.
Se vi havas iun problemon kun niaj produktoj, mi petas alporti al ni ĉiam. Ni havas teamon, kiu laboros kun vi, por certigi, ke vi estas feliĉa pri via aĉeto.
Ni komprenas, ke aĉeti rete kelkfoje povas esti riska, sed kun ni ne devos maltrankviliĝi, kiam ni oferas nular- riskan sperton. tio signifas, ke se vi ne ŝatas vian aĉetojn, Ni ĝustas ĝin!
Por ajn ajn demandoj, mi petas, lasi mesaĝon al ni. Ni havas dediĉitan teamon, kiu laboras kun niaj klientoj kaj ajn problemojn, kiujn ili havas. Ni kutime esploras la situacion unue antaŭ ol respondi al vi pli bonan solvon, do bonvolu permesu ĝis 24 horoj por aŭdi de ni...
Kio estas via revenpolitiko?
Ni provizas 30 tagojn repenon kaj 180 tagajn ripariservon.
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Ĉiuj ordonoj povas esti nuligitaj senpage ene dek 24 horoj. Ĉar la kreditkarta platformo ŝanĝas pagojn, komputilo ekvivale de 10% de la produkta prezo estos ŝukata. Bonvolu konsideri vian aĉeton atente por eviti la forigojn.
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Ni povas transporti al ĉiuj landoj, Belaroso kaj Turkujo
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13 lingvoj (angla, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français, Português, svenska, turka, Tradicia ĉina, 本, korea, ktp.)